Variant is close to making me quit



  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019

    xNig said:


    Great advice for people who are struggling. Now I understand why we have that boss Champion at 6.2.6.
    The simple solution is “get good”. Trying to clear content beyond your roster then complaining about it whilst having a defeatist attitude, after which threatening to quit ain’t gonna get any sympathy points from me.

    Why? The Champion boss is to hard for you to handle despite it already been nerfed heavily?
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Hey @Liss_Bliss_,

    I know it's tough etc., but at the level you are, you can't really do much except of what you mentioned. I have a qorse roster than you and I have completed 1 run of Act 5 and done 5.1 100% (I am jealous of that 5* Domino, I got a 5* Red Hulk and Massacre), so there is no giving up yet! It's good that you grind for units from EQ/Arena. I myself was going to attempt 1 run of Variant 2 since I have Venom and Gladiator Hulk as 4/40 4*, but once I started watching Seatin's completion guide, he mentioned that it's best you do Act 5 100% first, so I realized Variant isn't for me yet. Your time will come, this game EVENTUALLY rewards patience, good luck!
  • WeeHobbit89WeeHobbit89 Member Posts: 146
    In 5.3 you need to use class specific champs so use your strongest cosmics in 5.3.4. If you dont, the fights are horribly long. Your domino and SW should be able to kill that hyperion and remember, in that map hyperion is link noded. His stun immunity and buff duration changes with which node you take out. There is 5 paths and 1 of them is all 4 link nodes. The others take one node off
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,264 ★★★★★
    You have a 4/55 domino. Use rulk and masacre synergy. Parry and heavy thru the lanes. Use your magik for Hyperion. You definitely have the roster to complete act 5.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,264 ★★★★★
    Do you fight mini boss and boss in AQ/AW? Can you solo them or get to the timeout? I just think you need more practice in long fights and learn to bait specials. That will come a long way for 5.3.
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★

    All variant all story done
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    I have acknowledged the fact, I won’t ever even get one quest done in any variant that has been or will ever be released. Either I don’t have the champs or the skill, or enough money/units for potions.

    Variant 1 - my mutants/skills suck especially against some of those nodes. Furthest I got Emma down was to about 50ish% of her health and that was with my r1 5*Gambit.

    Variant 2 - don’t have any good XL champs so I used my 5*Domino, but can’t get past Mordo, even with my Rulk.

    Variant 3 - can’t even get past SH and the 1 time I DID DD took out the rest of my team. Tried the wasp side, and that was even more of a fail.

    So I have begrudgingly started to feel like there is nothing for me to do outside of AQ/AW, Heroic/Master/UC EQ’s. Even stuck on 5.2.4 because I can’t even defeat Hype if and when I’ve gotten to him.

    I’m close to quitting because I can’t progress without better champs. But I can’t get better champs without progressing. And I know my next 6* at the end of the season will be DPX/HB/Juggernaut/Magneto/Jane Foster so why even bother at this point. The few champs like Cull/Corvus/CAIW/MM-Movie that would transform the game landscape for me I’ll never pull because I’m just not that lucky.

    Glad others are able to complete the content, but when Kabam says “this content isn’t for everyone” they really mean it. I don’t even have fun playing anymore simply because it’s the same thing every day. War, AQ, arena and EQ. I know if I go into 5.3 or variant again I’m just gonna scream and pull my hair out. I’ve hit this roadblock with my skill/champs that I just can’t get past. And I’m not sure I ever will.

    How do people keep going when they’ve hit a roadblock they can’t ever get around?

    I am UC but not able to do the variant and act 6 content, so I focus on the stuff I can do, which keeps me busy and lets my roster continue to grow so I can later do the other content.
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  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    xNig said:


    Great advice for people who are struggling. Now I understand why we have that boss Champion at 6.2.6.
    The simple solution is “get good”. Trying to clear content beyond your roster then complaining about it whilst having a defeatist attitude, after which threatening to quit ain’t gonna get any sympathy points from me.

    Why? The Champion boss is to hard for you to handle despite it already been nerfed heavily?
    You’re right the “simple” solution is get good and I think it’s clear it comes down to skill.

    Simple and honest question. If others can complete V3 with a 4*Ghost, why is it that when I take my 5/50 in there I get face rolled? It’s not champs out of range, it’s skill out of range for me. As others have pointed out I have a few and key/select champs to make things easier.

    And yes I have a defeatist attitude but I don’t think I threatened to quit. I said I feel like quitting because I’ve hit this roadblock. You’ve never felt like giving up before when things looked bleak? I wish I had that outlook and strength. And not just in the game.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Bro you shouldn’t even be considering Variant until you’ve completed Act 5.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Def think you’re wasting mastery points... hold your ground with 4 points is a waste. Heavies are pretty easy to avoid. I don’t use perfect block points either, and wouldn’t max courage. Instead of using resources and running out over and over... farm some units, farm some potions from ROL WS and CM till you have a nice overflow of potions. If Hyperion is the roadblock, then maybe just go in with all those potions and units and take him down the ugly way. Wait till you have more potions and units stacked up though and just grind through Hyperion and move on.😉

  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019
    ESF said:

    That Hyperion is Stun Immune with Power Gain.

    You have the roster to do this. You are just gonna have to get hot and intercept your way through it.

    You have a 5/50 SW. You also have what looks like a 4/40 Symbiote Supreme.

    You can do it with those two. You just have to lock in, focus and intercept.

    Not being mean. You have the roster to do this

    Honestly I think I need mean LOL. I’ve been stuck at this roadblock fo a few months now and it’s getting to me.
    Wozzy101 said:

    Grind arena, pick up units and 5star shards to help build roster and use units for revives. Use AQ glory for T2Alpha. If you have any T5 try focus your resources to take her to rank 5, rather than a scatter gun approach of ranking up everyone, to rank 3.
    You have Magik, so she would be great against Hyperion, if you can bait his specials early and get her to SP2 then power lock him. Spam SP1 with Hawkeye as well.

    I’d look at some youtubers mastery setups. I think some of your defence masteries are a bit wasted. Maybe focus more on deep wounds and assassin.

    Who is her?

    As far as masteries, yeah I need to really look into changing them. Another person pointed out some changes that I’ll be making this week.
    ESF said:

    It looks like you have a 4/55 Killmonger and a 3/45 Winter Soldier.

    Take them in there with Domino as your lane clearers, put Hyperion to sleep with SWitch and Symbiote Supreme.

    You can bully your way to getting him down

    So forgo using Rulk for the incinerate damage and play Domino regularly?
    ESF said:

    Wozzy101 said:

    Grind arena, pick up units and 5star shards to help build roster and use units for revives. Use AQ glory for T2Alpha. If you have any T5 try focus your resources to take her to rank 5, rather than a scatter gun approach of ranking up everyone, to rank 3.
    You have Magik, so she would be great against Hyperion, if you can bait his specials early and get her to SP2 then power lock him. Spam SP1 with Hawkeye as well.

    I’d look at some youtubers mastery setups. I think some of your defence masteries are a bit wasted. Maybe focus more on deep wounds and assassin.

    Agree. I don't like the Mastery setup, but it's not my account
    Without purchasing any new levels/unlocking anything, what would you change?

    Out of curiosity, what AQ map are you running? Often when I have talked to people stalled in the game they are in an alliance running lower maps than they capable of running. Getting better rank up materials and more more shards makes a big difference.

    We are running a mix of 3/4/5 2BG I opted to drop to a relaxed alliance to focus on progressing, but that may have been a bad idea?
  • Acro80Acro80 Member Posts: 14
    Il manque un niveau entre Classique et Variante!!!
    L'un est sans intérêt ou presque, et le niveau Variante est faisable pr les joueurs ayant les bons champions en 5r5 !!

    La réalité c'est que c'est quêtes sont sans intérêt pour une grande majorité des joueurs.. Kabam, pour une foie, donne nous une réponse digne de ce noms!!
  • lukakalukaka Member Posts: 79
    if u have dr octopus even as a 4star he will wreck that hyperion check some videos on him
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    TKS87 said:

    So, here's my advice! I'm not saying this will guarantee you Will clear it, but here are some tips!

    I see you have an awakened WS, along with your 5* KM. I'd try weaving him in with your team. His added damage from the KM synergy plus his power drain should be helpful. KM has added benefit because he can tank hypes l3 with his indestructible charges, though you will have to try and bait out a special or two before using KM's l2.

    If I had to pick a team for your 5.3, it would be:

    5* Magik
    5* Killmonger
    5* Winter Soldier
    4* Dr voodoo
    Any * heimdall, if you don't have one than 4* iceman

    If you want to take the special lock one path, you don't need the KM/void synergy. With 1 point in willpower, the special lock counts as an active debuff. That means willpower kicks in for it. They have mystic ward, but if you use voodoo and spam his l1 on an odd combo, you'll be able to rack up some poison damage. For Ronan, kamala etc who are poison immune, still use an odd combo l1 for added parry stun time. Voodoo will have reduced damage due to the global node, but between his regen and willpower he should be sustainable.

    Rhino / OG cap is probably easier to take for the first section, with KM and WS. Class advantage and in WS case, added damage for every hit on the combo meter.

    I know you've said you have made it hype before and fizzled there. I get it, as he's stun immune and has 50% power gain. As a general hype tip, I find it easier to do a 4 hit combo and bait a special than a 5 hit combo. Like I said earlier, awakened WS could really shine here. Try him out with the 4 hit combo strategy.

    If you're using heimdall, try to play as aggressive as possible with KM and Magik. Heimdalls synergy will let you tank one l3, to try and get them to their l3's, which both work well for hype. Killmonger gains indestructible so he can tank l3's, Magik gets power control so he can't launch anymore specials.

    If you don't have heimdall, iceman can tank l3's as long as he has ice armour active. And since he's awakened the coldsnap damage off the bat will be a benefit as well.

    As far as masteries go, for this fight I think you should take two points out of stand your ground. It's a handy mastery fpr defence, but offensively it doesn't serve much purpose (you should be able to dodge most heavies). I think you'd benefit putting those 2 extra points into glass cannon for the extra damage output. Or into deep wounds for more Bleed damage, but that's more expensive.

    I hope this helps you. Let me know if/when you try it out, if you're still having problems. I'll try to help however I can!

    The reason I take that path with KM/Void is because it heals me more that must WP alone.

    I recently pulled a 3* heimdall so I can definitely add him in. And give that team a shot.

    I’ve wanted to max or GC for a while but all my units have been spent at my roadblocks. Maybe changing them around and then going back in May be more beneficial.

    What really annoys me is that I can bait out and lock +power gain Hype in any other content but this one is stingy.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    If you have Doctor Octopus as a 4*/5*, he is key for Hyperion. I haven't seen him in your roster, but maybe he is somewhere at the bottom
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Bahamut said:

    Bro you shouldn’t even be considering Variant until you’ve completed Act 5.

    Bro, can you explain that to me? I’ve seen people clear various variant quests with 4*’s so if they can do that with 4*’s does story progression really matter? It really is a roster thing right?
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★

    Bahamut said:

    Bro you shouldn’t even be considering Variant until you’ve completed Act 5.

    Bro, can you explain that to me? I’ve seen people clear various variant quests with 4*’s so if they can do that with 4*’s does story progression really matter? It really is a roster thing right?
    That's because they had a lot of practice....

    You can either rank up your champs and take down it a bit later or get better at the skill and try variant...

    BTW I'm also in the same boat... Not successful at Variant quests :)
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  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,264 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019
    Forget the KM/WS team. Trust me, bring your domino with rulk and masacre. Then fill in the 2 remaining slot as needed for the lane. That synergy will allow domino to clear any path that is not stun immune. All you need is parry skill and some patience. Let them dash at you and parry. You will have a full second to react after the parry. Domino will easily get 5-9k for heavy and incinerate in 1-3k range.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Bahamut said:

    Bro you shouldn’t even be considering Variant until you’ve completed Act 5.

    Bro, can you explain that to me? I’ve seen people clear various variant quests with 4*’s so if they can do that with 4*’s does story progression really matter? It really is a roster thing right?
    watching seatin and other youtubers play around with their 4*s while you are struggiling with act 5 is not exactly the same thing. Variant is suposed to be after act 5 before act 6
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    You’re just not good enough and need practice. Just being honest. Your roster is fine for act5 but you shouldn’t be doing variant yet. You’re not far enough in progression for thag
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019
    zuffy said:

    Forget the KM/WS team. Trust me, bring your domino with rulk and masacre. Then fill in the 2 remaining slot as needed for the lane. That synergy will allow domino to clear any path that is not stun immune. All you need is parry skill and some patience. Let them dash at you and parry. You will have a full second to react after the parry. Domino will easily get 5-9k for heavy and incinerate in 1-3k range.

    There are two reasons I disagree with this:

    1. That doesn't teach the OP how to actually fight. This isn't a roster problem, or a lane clearance problem. Domino facerolling the lane with Parry/Heavy ain't gonna help when Hyperion ain't getting stunned.

    2. The OP has to learn how to a) intercept an 80K boss, and b) learn how to best fight Hyperion, which means knowing that you gotta nullify and control that power gain. The OP has to learn how to intercept at will with Scarlet Witch, especially against a Hyperion that's trying to be a bully. Her nullify on crits is an imperative skill to master.

    It helps against Venoms and Venompools and Carnages and Doctor Stranges and Doctor Voodoos, etc. who are trying to run wild. SWitch is the answer to a lot of buff-oriented questions that are out of control in this game
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    For Hype's, power control or bait, bait, bait
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    zuffy said:

    Forget the KM/WS team. Trust me, bring your domino with rulk and masacre. Then fill in the 2 remaining slot as needed for the lane. That synergy will allow domino to clear any path that is not stun immune. All you need is parry skill and some patience. Let them dash at you and parry. You will have a full second to react after the parry. Domino will easily get 5-9k for heavy and incinerate in 1-3k range.

    There are two reasons I disagree with this:

    1. That doesn't teach the OP how to actually fight. This isn't a roster problem, or a lane clearance problem. Domino facerolling the lane with Parry/Heavy ain't gonna help when Hyperion ain't getting stunned.

    2. The OP has to learn how to a) intercept an 80K boss, and b) learn how to best fight Hyperion, which means knowing that you gotta nullify and control that power gain. The OP has to learn how to intercept at will with Scarlet Witch, especially against a Hyperion that's trying to be a bully. Her nullify on crits is an imperative skill to master.

    It helps against Venoms and Venompools and Carnages and Doctor Stranges and Doctor Voodoos, etc. who are trying to run wild. SWitch is the answer to a lot of buff-oriented questions that are out of control in this game
    Thank you ESF. I’m content with facerolling master and heroic with that team as those are substantially easier than the content I am struggling with. And as you said facetolling will just hinder me when I come up against fights that take that out of the equation.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Just my journey to the mean old Hype boss

    And thanks to everyone here for their tips as this was the result of the boss fight.

    Yeah I know I messed up my not watching my power and probably could have 1 shot him if I had hit the L2 but instead the L3. But with the tip of “4hit then bait” it helped me get those specials out till I was able to lock him down.

    Again thanks everyone for the assist.
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