What the Heck happened to Medusa's armor shatter against robots?

Her Armor Shatter should shut down robots power gain by 100%, but now it only shows as "reducing power gain by 0.55%" in her abilities. This is confirmed as not only a text issue, as I Armor Shattered a Sentinel in Variant 3 (2.1) who was still gaining power.
Is this intentional Kabam? I don't know why Medusa would have changes all of a sudden. I also noted that in Medusa's abilities section it comes in that "MS_ID_UI" format so something seems off. Please do not close this thread and put it into the "known bugs" section as I want to determine if others are facing a similar issue.
iPhone 8 iOS 12.4.1
Is this intentional Kabam? I don't know why Medusa would have changes all of a sudden. I also noted that in Medusa's abilities section it comes in that "MS_ID_UI" format so something seems off. Please do not close this thread and put it into the "known bugs" section as I want to determine if others are facing a similar issue.
iPhone 8 iOS 12.4.1
This discussion has been closed.
Gonna guess this is a bug. At least I hope so.
I really hope they fix this ASAP
i dueled robots outside there and everything was golden.
however, the killmonger reverb is def happening. confirmed in AQ but kabam is saying it is intended in another thread and always this way(cough)
also her bleeds dont fall off with armor shatter no more. tested on winter soldier and you can just keep stacking perm bleeds. usually they are removed when the armor shatter wears off but in this case they are not being removed.