6* Champions are you kidding me?

I know it’s been a couple days since they announced this & probably has been talked about over & over already but I need to vent about this. I’ve had no desire to come on the forums or even play MCOC for this matter(only have moved in AQ/AW for my ally members) since this announcement & im sure a lot of other players feel this way. Why in God’s name would they release 6*’s before you can even fully rank a 5* & it seems like everyone moved on from 4*’s EXCEPT Kabam considering act 5.2 rewards(all 4* rank up materials) & 99% of the deals we’ve been getting in the unit store! It just blows my mind they’re dropping 6*’s when we’re no where near that, don’t get me wrong I’d absolutely LOVE a 6* when the time is right & it’s not even close to that time yet! Ok there gonna release 6*’s for what? So we can only have the materials to take them to r2 & would be equivalent to an r5 4* or an r3 5*? What’s the point? I don’t understand why they wouldn’t release t5b’s as a new source of revenue or make t2a’s more accessible? Just the whole idea has turned me off to the game
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That does sound bad. Except that's not going to happen. The announcement said that T5B will be released this year and T2A will be made more available. 6* champs will not be playable until 2018. However, they are giving us the ability to start earning 6* shards by duping 5* champions after August 30th, and they are giving us a heads up that playable 6* champions are arriving in 2018 so we can decide what to do with the increased availability of rank up rewards that are going to be ratched upwards over the next several months and beyond.
The vast majority of players are going to at least have the ability to fully rank up 5* champions to 5/65 long before they have the opportunity to touch a 6* champion because with duping the only announced way to earn 6* shards it will take about 36 5* dups to get one 6* basic crystal. Except for the very top of the top of players, 6* champions are going to be a very long term project to build towards. If you are a player that is currently earning one 5* champ a week somehow, your first 6* champion is probably going to be pulled sometime in May 2018 or later (any 5* champ pulled that is a new champ won't generate shards of course). I suspect that your first 5/65 is going to come sooner, especially since they also announced that they changed the 5/65 recipe from requiring four T5B to only requiring two. They clearly want to make it easier to rank up to 5/65 than originally intended.
Read the post again We will be releasing Tier 5 Basic Catalysts before 6-Stars are playable.
6 stars come out in 2018 this statement means there reading before they drop some assume end of this year
They should at least let us be able to max out our 5*s before they bring in 6*s.
They are the res will be available before 6 stars
They have not yet confirmed that.
Read the announcement then comment here again
There hasn't been a specific date for the catalysts and they basically gave a date for the release of 6*s. So we might not be able to max out our 5*s until January. Who knows when that date is.
This is true as of now we can only speculate
Not true, I’ve explored LOL 100%, have multiple legend titles & have 100% completed every other content but I don’t want 6*’s. Everyone saying t5b’s will be released but how many? Enough for 1 r5 5* like act 4 was for r4 5*? Probably. we should of had about a year with of AQ with full t2a’s & t5b’s before 6*’s would even be though of
I have had next to no desire to play since the 6* announcement either.
Jus sayin
That is what this is about, I have been playing for months and am no nearer a 5* than I was when I started, so will have no chance whatsoever of getting a 6*.
It's like MKX, that game was totally taken over by elite players, so much so that there were parts of it even people who had played for years but had not perhaps developed things as much were squeezed out.
This game is going the same way, as long as they don't up the difficulty of the whole game as NR did it will be fine, but I fear for newer and casual players more now and their chances of ever getting the better content and their ability to get even close to end game stuff.
I don't have the skills to do it for sure.
Kabam, I don't know who's idea was this, but maybe next time discuss it with someone who's more creative, unless you can't find anyone and you're just buying time. Recycling old and existing champs can't possibly make the game more interesting! Adding 6* will make 4* champs useless the same way 1,2,3* champs are. You're just thinning out the player base!!! It'll just take longer for the players to get to the difficult content and most of them will just give up! I have 12 5* champions since they came out, I'm at PI 350K member of 8m alliance and I very rarely use them in ANY of the game content, because they are mostly garbage compared to rank 4 decent 4* champs I have in my pool and they're bloody difficult to rank them to 3 or 4 and 5 is not even possible yet! I just use them for points in the arenas. Some players in my alliance have 1 rank 4 and couple rank 3 depending on their luck, but it's still mostly 4* that make it worth the resources needed.
I played heroes of order and chaos, heroes of order and chaos online, deck heroes, hearthstone, and a few other mmo games on google play and spent money on them all and eventually quit them all. They simply lacked what it took to keep me in the loop. And unfortunately now mcoc will be added to that list.
They said early next year, that means in the first 2 or 3 months of 2018