
  • Ok, but who else does not make physical contact? Can Kabam send us a list ?
  • Same. This is a bunch of bull. It takes more than 70 energy to 100% this quest and you only get a few hundred t3cc shards when it takes 2800 to form a single t3cc. It's stupid as heck and needs to be fixed. I get t4cc faster than t3cc.
  • I also got the same thing and restarted the app multiple times. Attempting to delete the app completely and reinstall now.
  • Iceman and Blade--don't have them as a 4* or a 5*. Featured 5* crystals: Went 0/7 on Iceman and 0/10 on Blade. Pulled all trash champs such as IP, venom, HB, clops, etc.. Several of my featured crystals didn't even have the featured champ in the crystal when it was spinning. Freaken sucks and I'm on the verge of quitting.…
  • I had no problem with this and I went in blind before the maps were made. Every path is straightforward and none have to be retaken. I could see it being an issue on one or two of the maps, but only if you take a long time to 100% them. Taking a long time could cause one to forget the paths they’ve already taken and that…
  • Nah. I controlled his power just fine, but he regenerated more health than the damage I could inflict with power control champs.
  • Great job Kabam. Best chunk of content to date. Also, that AON antman is harder than the final boss lol
  • Web-slinger top 100?
  • I apologize for the double post. My browser crashed. Please ignore the first posting. MegaSkater, it was a tech champ in M5. It may have been a symbiod.
  • It's been a few days before I was able to post about this so I couldn't remember which tech champ specifically. I'll test it again tonight and hopefully find which champ it was.
  • 800 was the base value (with recovery) before, during, and after appreciation week. Only some champs affect the non-critical healing rate after 14.0. I didn't realize abomination's poison reduced healing by 30% because it did not affect Rogue prior to 14.0. Kabam must have fixed it. As for tech champs, my Rogue still heals…
  • No. 800 was the base value prior to summoner appreciation week. I specifically stated it has been this way "for months." My life steal was still 800 during appreciation week, before appreciation week, and after 14.0. Some champs cause the life steal change only after 14.0. I did not know that his poison reduces healing…
  • bump Iceman pushed back? Typical
  • I honestly can't believe the rewards are so poor for this money grab chapter. Act 4 had much better rewards. I thought we were moving forward with 5*s... Also, "we don't use Buffet and Macoshism at the same time" was a lie. 5.2.4 has several nodes with both--one of which is a bloody magik. lol I'm one strand away from…