
  • But what's the point of souls if he'll only regenerate from 2 and his sp1 doesn't use any?
  • Example: - Kabam makes a tier/ grade list - Every 10 pulls there's a 10% chance to get a single S tier, 15% to get a single A tier, 40% B tier, etc... - Let's say each 20-25 pulls you can get a confirmed A tier, and each 35-40 pulls for a confirmed S tier... Numbers don't have to be this accurate ofc but they'd know better…
  • Now recruiting low level players isn't bad... Don't get me wrong, I can understand and help them. It's just that a 100-200k player won't fit in a 28m alliance
  • @Corkscrew You're a legend lol that's exactly what's happening... And I can't even kick anyone because "No good player would join a G3 or g2 alliance"... I'll probably have to recruit a new player with 100k - 200k profile rating and then he / she will leave the next day. Incase they did stay, the problem will be his / her…
  • I strongly agree with you on strong alliances being trapped in lower leagues, you guys finally got what you deserve and that's great. So about my alliance, we fought in t3 wars in plat 3 and our total rating was 21m... Seems fair that we got kicked outta there and the pressure was actually reduced from us, but my only…
  • Bro we were in p3 with those players and now we're matching with alliances that have double of our rating and they're pushing us down 😂🙄🙄 so our spot in gold isn't because we're bad, it's for the reason I said above. We all know how the matchmaking is happening right now
  • I mean I agree with you and all but we're talking about the rewards, it's not about where we belong because that's something good that they did. Why would a player with 700k - 1m overall rating have to do this for a full month and hardly get 2,000 6* shards and hardly a fully formed 5*? Such players can simply stop doing…
  • We used to fight in t3 wars with 21m alliance rating, I know this was made for us to find the league that we belong in but 'buffing up the rewards' was a plan failed tbh. They only thought of the bigger leagues. Imagine hearing of a reward buff and you get too excited but oh wait, you're in gold 1 now and your rewards got…