AnotherVariant ★
Cant pull that off.. Lack of resources/skill When's the most likely event to get one again? Wait til July!?
...I'm wondering when a 7* champion selector was available? Lol Heard there was one in July.
Just figuring out recently.. I could've had him in a selector for the July event!?!? Whaaaatttt!?
So Doom is one of them but interesting... Why Shuri though?? Been a while.
Already did awhile back dude.. And thanks for the insight guys! More so wondering how difficult necropolis is to explore? I've got 4 attacking R5s.
Lmao incredible. Thanks for the bad news guys! Was late to look into this one!
Awesome greatly appreciated! Thanks and a big help!
Thanks! Definitely wondering if anything would help corvus too though!
Wait how? When?
Ok so to rephrase the question: Is the profile pic others see based on champ with highest natural prestige OR champ with highest prestige overall including relic???
Yup! Would love some insight on this topic.. Surprisingly would effect if I'm going for relic resources if I could increase the gap on my venom for profile pic purposes!
Congrats! Galan is a gem!
Same issue with my alliance.. Diversity should be at around 130 but currently showing 45
We're 50M alliance now with 11k average prestige.. 1 spot open
Thanks for the response though! That's what I get for ignoring their mail
Wow bummer
I think I'm gonna take mr sin for phase 3.. Dont have Charles
Yup I'm at like 10 single revives, 2 team revives, a bunch of potions and almost 5000 units I really don't wanna spend a single unit though, or atleast barely
Thanks for the tips guys.. I'm gonna do this quest as soon as I fill up my revives
To clarify.. Will a open alliance with only 3 players be recommended to newer players without an alliance??
Oh dude I'm relaxed with where I am in the game.. Just wondering how or when ppl would join Is a 2 person open alliance even recommended to new players?
Symbiote City SCy22
Ugh looks like ghost or corvus are my only options anyway... Maybe I'll just spam it
Just saw he doesn't.. How do I beat this guy without ghost or corvus lol
Doesn't sound bad if that's the case.. I just gotta save Units/potions/revives again. These are my maxed champs: 6* R3 Venom, 6* dup R2 Spiderman, NF dup, Ultron dup, Magneto dup, Korg dup, Thing dup I just need a 6* cosmic awakening gem.
Lol thanks. Gotta love that Venom attack synergy.