Ascoop24 ★★★
That is after a few missions are completed and usually at least 2-4 fights done before he’s gets those abilities but he loses most of them when the thanos favors run out which at least end game content can be very quickly if the ai decides to not throw a special or heavy.
Why does he need to be nerfed? Where are you seeing him destroy content to deserve this?
That’s when he was bugged!!! If you can get him to omega red with full thanos he still takes more hits to drop the captain marvel movie. And that global node can make anyone seem more overpowered then normally.
“His block proficiency is only as bad as the player.” Oh wow that’s good yup I totally forgot that a great player can parry and take less damage then a poor player can when he parries as well. Get real dude his block proficiency is one of the worst in the games doesn’t matter how good or bad a player is he still takes too…
Seriously where do you get your experience playing cull? Act 4? Act 5? You can’t just simply parry and heavy in endgame content. If the node doesn’t have stun immune it’s almost always got lumber and even if both of those aren’t there he takes so much block damage from parries. He just constantly needs health pots to top…
You sure you even play cull he has missions that’s how you get more thanos favors. And this is coming from someone with a r2 six star he isn’t practical for end game use. There should be rdt to see how he preforms after the “tuning”.
I have a r2 6 star cull and he isn’t top ten and I have ronin as a 6 star and he is lacking.
Seriously where?!?! Where are you finding these numbers? Like have you actually used him yourself in endgame content due to poor block proficiency he is typically benched for someone else. So please tell us where you are getting these numbers? And please tell me you aren’t looking at his numbers when he was broken from a…
Where are you seeing cull doing too much damage? Try taking him into act 6 even as a r2 6 star. You won’t because the ramp up is too item heavy. Same with aq and those are even more expensive items.
Yeah I’m not a huge fan of rank down tickets and Ik people are tired of reading about people asking for them but I took my 6 star cull to rank 2 if his damage is being changed I want the option to rank him down those are some serious resources to be a waste.
I’ve been doing some testing on the vision in variant 1 chapter 3.3. It’s a fisticuff path and I tried several sp1s and sp3s and he gained no power while shattered. I’m not saying she isn’t bugged because I’ve seen that she is. But more wondering where people are seeing the issue constantly?
If this was a fix for a bug why was it never posted or discussed in the known issues thread or anywhere in bugs page. Totally agree with everyone that says this is coming out of nowhere and think it is for sure a nerf to she-hulk.
Why couldn’t this have just been quality of life improvements to the game? Why did you have to separate spenders and non-spenders like this?
I say this as someone who came from your position as an aggressive player. You will definitely need to learn to not be aggressive all the time. Certain champs and fights you need to be patient otherwise it will cost you a bunch of items and units. As someone else said I’d try getting into a no pressure alliance and build…
Really everyone got the same regardless of how far they made it? That’s absolutely horrible. I spent so much more on the champion boss bug. Way to let people down right before you want them to give you there money.
Can we get some form of update on a compensation package yet?
While I am very happy this is coming and do think the community very much needed this I will say the timing can’t be anymore perfect. Just after having several bug infested weeks of alliance quest( still no compensation for map 7 yet) and a extremely bugged release of 6.2( also still no compensation delivered yet for this…
At this point I suspect they are waiting for the third week of map 7 see if there are any bugs in that and then will start looking at the effects it took on alliances. I honestly don’t except them to do anything close to what’s right. I feel alliance haven’t been placing where they typically should due to map 7 bugs. Will…
So just to double check the changes told to us today are on top of the previous changes done to can’t stop won’t stop?
Yes I’m equally confused can get a confirmation on this?
That’s a fair statement but what about those who typically run more then one day of map 7 and because of the bug decided not to run more and just do map 6? They didn’t place where they usually should and if they weren’t able to at least drop the boss they would have taken a prestige hit and not gotten as many points the…
Any update with map 7 or compensation packages?
An update on this would be appreciated
Today I took my unduped cull to rank 2 and I have Corvus and Medusa at rank 5 already but he’s just so good. Plus 6 stars are the future.
There is a bug thread for this but all they have said so far is the are looking into it. But you aren’t alone this has happened to myself, alliance mates, and your fellow community. I’d keep my eye on the thread in the bug section though.
Any word yet on this bug?
How can you honestly say that a section having double the health and attack then the other sections isn’t more difficult or was intended? Just by the very nature of a opponent having double the health means the fight is twice as long and can easily lead to a mistake that kills you. I can’t understand how a champ in that…
I agree but also have to be mindful of how they typically do compensation it’s never exactly what you used. Do I think every person like myself that itemed out should get all 15 items back yes I do but I know that won’t happen. What I suggest is probably more along the lines of what we should at the very least be given.…
I absolutely feel you. I had one where not only did it do no damage but guess what he regened right out of the 10 percent phase. Talk about killing your motivation.
The end of this round of alliance quest is coming soon have you started or come up with any sort of compensation for everyone effected by these mess ups? Not clearing map 7 or iteming out because the nodes weren’t working properly. Not running the normal amount of map 7 due to this problem. I think at the very least…