Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Currently, Annihilus has their Signature ability erroneously set to 1 - it should be 0.

The team will be fixing this issue ASAP.

Thank you for your patience.


  • Yeah bro I have mutant AG..but I duped him from Abyss nexus which I got from platinum track...I also had all things to max him...and I did it... For now sig 120. Will be 200 soon.. I did sig 200 og thor and black widow couple of days ago for carina challenge..
  • Finally I got this guy.. Thanks to Kabam RNG.. finally worked in my favour. Now my top 6* roster is completed except some recent champions. Idk how many crystal I opened for him..
  • LOL..You must have taken break for 1-2 weeks. A lot has been changed. See this announcement https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/369921/daily-super-event-reward-structure#latest
    in No level up?? Comment by Avnish June 27
  • I have 3200 units😂. Max I can make 4k... that's. I will pass this deals
  • I struggled with Odin. Because I never played with him and I didn't know that he will not get aptitude buff second time. I was quite hard to manage the buffs. But I threw some revive and did it...I did other obj with Gladiator and og Strom.. TBH I hate fighting this guy...
  • Just because of daily crystal you are getting 750 7* shards, and choice from T6B, T3A, T6CC, and 1 T4A per month. I prefer fix reward instead of RNG based reward. Which only works 10-20%. I will consider only T4A, you can chose Titan shards too. Kabam will never put daily crystal in super event. It is great that kabam…
  • Great point!
  • Why don't you concentrate on your own gameplay and progress. Let kabam take care of these kind of people. You should focus on your game. TBH I never had any problem with any point farmers. They are using their energy, time and it is their own choice to be in low tier and farm the points..
  • Auto fight 4 time in RTTL...22 points for each fight. You need to do 30 fights for 660 points. 10-15 minutes.. that's it. 0% effort 100% reward. IMO Daily super event is huge win..
  • It is good change super easy to do all objectives. 30 auto fight of RTTL and all objectives will be done in 10-15 mins. Effortlessly...even you are super busy you still can do it. Chose what you need. I had one confusion as in 2nd objective I thought we will get 15% of T6CC. But confusion is Clear 15% in total is still…
  • Kushala can work against incenrate immune and deal decent damage with soul barb... Longshot is nothing against incenrate immune defender + bleed and incenrate immunity...she so much utility she can block unblockable attacks too and heal the damage on block...
  • in Battleground Comment by Avnish June 21
  • IMO fix reward is better than RNG reward. The opening you had has 1 in 1000 or 10000. And for valient we will be getting 750 7* shards, 1/2 T6B/T3A/45%T6CC (selector). OP could also get 10% of the same crystal. So IMO super will give you what you want not kabam RNG wants to give. If you are always lucky with your opening…
  • Correction in my comment above. I just saw the node. It is 50% with light attack and 100% with critical light attack. But for sure it is happening sometimes..
    in Is this bugged Comment by Avnish June 19
  • Yes it seems buggy. Sometime it happening sometimes not... Node is 50% with light attack and 100% with critical light attack. For sure it is not happening properly..
  • I guess light critical hits have 50% chance to break the Armor. Red skull have so much critical resistance.
    in Is this bugged Comment by Avnish June 19
  • Same here.. I ended up in GC gamma 2 but it showing I ended up in plat 2. Which is wrong. CC @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Jax" @"Kabam Crashed"
  • Rankup black cat she will destroy her easily...if possible switch off your Dex to prevent buffet regen.. Back in day I did this fight with megneto with juggernaut senergy...I guess after knock down megneto inflict heal block with juggernaut senergy...on that time juggernaut wasn't buffed ..you have 7* great..I trying to…
  • I opened 5 incursion crystal till now. Never got any dupe.... captain is left from the pool. I need dupe on mojo...but last tym I got Angela. Can't be mad on Angela.. from that pool I just don't want ronin..others are fine for me..
  • But his evade will not work in aw boss node...and imo counter is needed more in aw incomparison other format. Not sure about damge..but it will low as compared to other good skill champion...than that he will unless there not node for counter evade...
  • Colossus is great counter of that fight..also nimrod Omega sentinel works very well too
    in 6.3.3 havok Comment by Avnish June 17
  • You are in wrong section. There is saparate section for alliance.
  • Don't worry they are planning to remove it from game😂. But you will only collect this crystal from webstore. Tip - Don't hope too much from the free stuff. It is good they are atleast giving free stuff to progress in FTP accounts..
  • Really frustrated two prompt are very frequently popping up whiff attack and hit on block....are we supposed to deal damge...my bg managed this fight somehow...my 4-5 revive got wasted by doing this bs whiff and hit on block prompt... I used ig Ironman... against iron man he is getting way too much power while hitting on…
  • Do you really collect all of those 3 attack boost...I don't think so.. I never able to do that. 7 hrs is nothing to me. Sometime I accidentally complete that when levelup and advancement occurs on the same time..
  • No complaints..but 4 hrs crystal should be 5. I always manage to collect 5 crystal in a day... It would be missed whenever I am too busy with work. T4A or Titan shards are good and now no RNG based reward from daily crystal. You can choose what you need... But yeah relic ISO should be there in super event. Atleast 1 as…
  • Sometime I feel they leave these kind of bug on purpose so that player get killed in confusion and purchase items for heal up.. same was in previous season too. Some had icon and some them didn't have it..
  • I am not shocked kabam did 5 bans to 3 bans for high tier. But kabam is not even replying to wide majority about this bs fight. I know money is everything but we also paid 180 raid tickets to play this raid. Kabam only listens whale complaints. If high tier player will complain about than only any fix or nerf will be…
  • I am not shocked kabam did 5 bans to 3 bans for high tier. But kabam is not even replying to wide majority about this bs fight. I know money is everything but we also paid 180 raid tickets to play this raid. Kabam only listens whale complaints. If high tier player will complain about than only any fix will be considered.