BlueVanilla ★
That Hercules fight amazed me lol. That and the amount of hits in the Scorpion one. Hopefully I’ll match you again and I’ll get you this time 💪🏼. Thanks everyone for being so civilized and put your honest opinions
There is the node where if you parry your debuff gets purified and they start regening like crazy
I agree with your comment but in 38 seconds it's what is throwing me off. The amount of regen in this meta is insane. Regarding the Scorpion fight I know is very plausible but the timing and the amount of hits in that time seems weird to me.
I need to add this opponent was running suicides.
In the community bugs and issues tracker shows this bug as fixed. Any insight on this please? As a champion we use competitive in AW and Battlegrounds it means a big difference being able to rely on a champions abilities fully.
Sometimes you are not skilled enough to beat them
Yes i see in the main mcoc page that is stated like that now. Thank you, i thought they had changed it without saying anything.
Well, that’s my point. That’s what the node described when it came out but it was shortly changed after. It wasn’t working like that but in my alliance we just thought it was another battlegrounds bug.
Seems like a pretty big issue since #Conduit has been introduced to AW. If #Conduit defense tactic wasn't working properly and you could modify the regen rate of the champs defending would this be fixed quickly? Hopefully we can get some insight into this matter.