BowTieJohn ★★★★
Yes that would be the one.
Agreed, also interesting Echo is part of the 2025 vote and she was part of the 2023. Would also like to see Hobgoblin, Spider-Woman, and Agatha Harkness come in as well. Just some thoughts I'm thinking through. Hoping to post predictions for the year and post it as well to stir discussion looking at the year in things to…
It would in one sense be a nice change. That being my own personal opinion.
Is this for the 6* and 7* one or only the 7* version?
It is 8:40 AM (PT) so still a few more hours for those who keep asking. Should most likely drop between 10 AM (PT) and 11 AM (PT).
Believe once you have the other 4 Deathless Champion he will be available via the store. I'm guessing the pieces will be just like previous 4 champs.
It will most likely drop between 10 AM (PT) and 11 AM (PT) which is the time frame usually new information drops. It is currently 8:38 AM (PT).
Believe it will be 11 am Vancouver time. Currently it is 4:17 am in Vancouver so we still have a few hours.
The news will soon be here...tomorrow that is. Wish it could have been sooner, but thankful to know it coming tomorrow!
Contact me in game, BowTieJohn. Open spots for member and officer.
Contact me in game, BowTieJohn. Open spots for member and officer.
Contact me in game, BowTieJohn. There are spots open as both member and officer.
Contact me via in game, BowTieJohn. Officer and member positions open.
Contact me in game, BowTieJohn, be happy to have you join. Have open spots as member and officer.
Contact me in game, BowTieJohn, be happy to have you join. Have spots open both as member and officer.
Contact me in game, BowTieJohn, be happy to have you join.
Contact me at BowTieJohn, be happy to have you join.
Contact me in game: BowTieJohn, be happy to have you join the alliance.
I have both an opening in the alliance as well as an officer. Contact me online via BowTieJohn.
Why is logging out of Game center helping?
Same here worked earlier and I did some arean fights. Then tried login for Super Daily Event and trouble both on my phone and tablet.
Contact me in-game --> BowTieJohn Open spots as both a member and officer.
I've also tried this at both 30 fps and 60 fps.
This is occurring on an iPad. No comments, no response from Kabam. Odd can. get a quick response to the Royal Hunt, but here a mode of game play isn't working on a platform and nothing. Just tried it again and still doesn't work. Guess no more AW for me at this point.
Guess that means the next four hunts will stay unfinished. A shame as if they left it the way it worked with DD and KM the community would be happy. Not some, but the community as a whole. Hopefully Kabam is taking note to our responses.
How to not to encourage people to be engaged. This is not a W.
Still have room. Send me a message in game.
Thank @captain_rogers and thank you @shield311
I have open spots both as members and officers. Great time to join before the Banquet Event starts and I'd be happy to help new players progress or players not as seasoned, help them progress as well. Seasoned players welcome as well to be in an alliance where you can get rewards with less stress. Remember November is here…
I realize my typo, reach out to me, not react out to me.