Convict1 ★
Yes yes I did that's why I would go to a kabam monitored chat sheet and bring attention to it. Just asking if anyone else hasn't got there's yet.
haven't got my rank rewards for realm anybody got any news.
Yea quality of this game is hindering for sure the rewards are getting worse and worse and there asking more money without appropriate rewards in exchange, the event rewards suck so bad 2nd day in you're like do i really care ahh. They really need to revamp the reward section cause it has went down hill fast.
Even if that's true its still not impressed it used to be so so much better and it should improve but its not just steadily getting worse very disappointed and boring .
Stupid is what it is what's the point there's no chance of hitting anything else with those odds I've played ten times and ten times hit that stupid candy lane Good going kabam finding another way of screwing your customer base and they wonder why people keep leaving lol after years of playing hoping for a shred of…
Summer camp event is a total disappointment the rewards aren't even worth getting evolved with. This games rewards have been horrible for a while now. I thought with the new partners at kabam they would make things better but it has steadily gotten worse the graphics are great story is ok but rewards and crystal drops etc…
Yea this year's gift a sad statement to the people who have stuck with kabam through years a really big kiss our rearends to the kabam community from kabam .
Okay this is going on 3 days and it has not reset I'm not able to optimize on my rewards in sinister labs when are you gonna get it fixed? @"Kabam Miike" I'm now paying for a subscription and would like to have a game I'm paying for to work properly you need to fix this asap.
Name ++convict++ Device samsung galaxy note 9 Device operating android 9 Cellular ir wifi: both Game version 24.1 latest update whatever that is Game mode all modes Description in attack and defense right on the middle my champ will just stop leaving me wide open being non responsive and parry is not working properly go to…
This is ridiculous two events in two months and you cant even respond or give us a reasonable excuse this is getting pathetic @kabam miike
I want to know when its gonna b fixed it and how there gonna reimburse the android players for the game play in alchemist that's being missed the potential crystals being missed out on?
How long is this gonna take and what about the element trial were missing how they gonna fix it and if they dont b4 the trial ends how they gonna reimburse for the trial being missed?
Ign ++covict++ Android 8.0 Wifi and data Version 21.1 Having problems with lag when fighting night hawk and connection problems when blocking champs will come out of blocking and start to attack
Been playing for 2 yrs and ever since they started the champion pull it's always a 3 star why dont they just say 3 star champ instead of possible 4 star.
My in game name and line name is The_convict.
Same here sp1 was activated energy disappeared but no action several in my alliance has also had this same problem.
Add me Ricky7064
I'm interested
Send me a request I have a base of hero's that group around 150,000 I'm on daily
Are you doing aq?
Seems they have alot of bugs to be fixed I've had to report on several things and I feel like damn am I just trying to be a pain in the ass hut I play alot and I mean Alot and just want them to fix the issues cause its cost me alot of resources and caused me to lose a lot of fights.
I've been having this problem and I'm using morales and gamora and they are a huge part of my are sonar and it's cost me alot of fights in wars, aq's and arena and very disappointing in kabams platform can we get this fixed already.
I've been waiting but havent received mine as well went into the history and didn't even have me regesterd i scored over 400,000 its a 80000 milestone before the other rewards i went way over come on kabam why we having so many problems with this kinda stuff.
Same here I got it for the 3* spiderman but not joe fixit I've had a lot of problems with the game crashing causing me to lose fights in arena and now this it's kinda of getting old .