Creeper_Man_81 ★
You get it once the raids end
I only have 3 5*,my least favourite of which is falcon.the others are Morningstar and Goldpool
Thanks for the results :)
Starkey or goldpool dupe to impress peeps
Sorry thought the red things were for gifting,still didn't get them tho,and I took a break for a few years
I am lvl 35.User name \\StoneWhale2055// and I have the temporary gifting badge but no tickets.
There is more just I can't put them in the pull
He's getting a major buff in october
3 star kingpin and 4 star Black bolt
Classic ant mani would really like Ant Man (classic)
I really like Luke cage and war machine for some reason,dunno why
How about if you buy ten you gurantee to get a 3*?
Have a different idea Say everytime you open a crystal you get a new currency You could use this new currency to get a new champ of your choice 1* would be 100 currency 2* would be 500 currency 3* would be 1000 currency 4* would be 5000 currency 5* would be 10,000 currency Rarer crystals would give more currency
I don't have a 5*
Yeah I participated but I haven't got mine
Someone in my allaince said they got thiers
And I said tier bronze One not 3
Checked it and exited the game and came back but not appearing
Which first none awakened apart from Deadpool awakened lvl 27
All 4*
Thnx anyway
Found it
Never mind
RSR14 is the tag for my open allaince I'm only a member but I should be able to join
Want my most powerful champ on my account Deadpool x-force
How to change profile pic?