DanielYork ★
Only thing keeping cavs from being thronebreaker is either not willing to rank up a champ or not having the resources. Both cases that’s on them.
Not joking, I don’t care about trophy champs and am an endgame player. I’m at the point where only valuable 6*’s, 5TCC, and sig stones are useful. I would gladly trade those Kang’s for sig stones.
No worse than Thanos was
IGN: Dirk_Diggler GGC’s The best thing is that I quit for a few months after completing my initial run of abyss and realizing there was nothing left to do that was fun. Close second is getting Captain Sprinkles from that 6* crystal.
Yes Abyss is faster but the cost is twice as much if not more for what it would cost resource wise to explore act 6 after the nerf.
Progression wise I am in the same space you are. Skill wise I would say slight above average like you. And it definitely is. You are looking at things slightly twisted. You get tons of gold, resources that can rank up your 6- stars and act 6 got very doable. Before it was a struggle and now I can complete paths without…
It’s value depends on where you are at in the game. For me the grind isn’t all that valuable because half a six star doesn’t do much for me. Only resource worth grinding for is T5CC.
Same thing just happened with stealth suit Spider-Man, had slow on him, no ability reduction node and he kept going unstoppable. It didn’t happen yesterday with stagger while I was clearing Dr. Doom and Symbiote Sumpreme.
Hopefully something worth having for thornebreaker. So anything 5* is trash. This was the first year I didn’t buy anything on cyber Monday. Very few things will actually upgrade my roster at this point, even a 6* AG crystal could end up being useless for me unless it’s tech or mystic. A T5CC selector would probably be the…
Still happening, can we get a fix or just screw the player base?
Wrong, the more you bring it up and 70% of forum post say you are wrong further solidified what they are doing. So keep complaining and we’ll be here to tell you it’s unwarranted.
Is it you not completing endgame content that makes you more skilled? Because if you could complete endgame content you would have a stronger roster? This game scales skill with champions. If you look at your roster and you don’t have 5/6 stars it’s because you don’t have the skill. They’re super easy to get now, so your…
The complaints need to be brushed off because they are not valid. The effects are you losing rewards, both individual war rewards and seasonal rewards. That’s what the affected alliances are complaining about. You saying it’s about something else is not true, because it boils down to want you get for playing wars. This…
This isn’t about creating equality, it’s about competing for rewards. It’s about ensuring if you are going for top rewards you are facing the competition at the top. Think baseball, the pros=master, AAA=platinum and so on. You don’t get to play lesser talent because you can’t compete and get paid like a pro. Skill will…
It’s about you not being good enough to defeat your opponent and complaining about it. If you can’t beat the alliances competing for high level rewards you aren’t good enough. If you are skilled you would survive, you would win, the difference in rating wouldn’t matter. You aren’t, you don’t belong, so get stronger and…
I don’t know how it can be any simpler, the best alliances should get the best rewards. War rating is the right measurement for that because then everyone regardless of prestige or ratings will face that level of competition. If you are struggling it’s because you don’t belong, you aren’t good enough. If you were, you…
Absolutely the most pro player solution, above and beyond anything I expected. Honestly it was overcompensation and the fact people are whining is mind blowing to me.
Any update? Like we’re very close to the new EQ. I feel like this is usually out by now.
I don’t think people actually understand what the change means and just like to complain. Map 5 is now free, map 6 and 7 just got cheaper. Plus they are giving you 5 months worth of aq cost in tickets based on what you have spent. Your treasury doesn’t have 5 months worth of AQ saved up, 5 months of map 6 is like 200…
It definitely wasn’t worth the extra gold. I want the sig stones from all the difficulties other wise I would have sat this out. Profile pics are dumb.
The only way anything will change with this offer is if people don’t buy it. Which if I had to guess won’t happen. Guessing most top 500 alliances will, 500x30=15K or 150K. If 10% of the rest of the player base does this will bring in like 250K a month. The only way I can see it going away is if people stop buying other…
I’m gonna to say 90% of the players that call themselves ftp have spent money on the game, even if they won’t admit it. I’ve spent more on this game than any other game I’ve ever played. The idea of a subscription doesn’t bother me if it stays relatively where it is at with offerings. I won’t pay for this, not worth it and…
$120 a year for what? No gold shortage if you have been using the units from arena to buy cavalier crystals. Energy reduction not significant enough to make a difference. Inventory cap is annoying but I don’t see this making a big difference, most of my stuff will still be full. It feels like an attempt to make this a…
6.2.2 where most endgame non poison immune/fury players are. Running out of reasons to continue with no content to play with everything else finished.
The issue I have will this is that it affects a small portion of the community. When you consider how many play and the number that will watch/participate I can’t help but to think it’s a waste of resources that could have been used to improve the game. Either more content, reworking champs or fixing numerous bugs. Instead…
Not fixed, Invisible woman now at full. Waste of a revive, and the energy refill I used. Give me my 70 units back theives.
The rewards for AW were already not worth the effort, it’s why so many alliances are shifting to an AQ focus. This will only divide that further.
Don’t know if this has been shared but 6.1.5 crossbones take down with ghost rider. Apply fate seal, if shrugged force quit, if not take down health till next 25% interval. Quit before regen starts, repeat. Cost 3 revives but if you don’t have other options it works.
Yup super easy.....I’m guessing you have a couple of champs I don’t. My 6* star Hawkeye is my best option and after 211 hits Ultron has 40% health.
This is poorly designed content by a company that is out of touch with its player base. The tyranny node limits the options of an already limited selection of champs you can use. Stop designing content that requires 2 or 3 champs.