EdoardoVVV ★
Immunity - check. Perfect block - check. Niche power gain - check. Reducing block proficiency and regen - check. Decent synergies - check. Longer stuns - check. Insane damage - check and check. Tell me again how is this 'not much' utility, please?
I have unduped 6* R2 Sunspot. Though i wasn't using him for a while, recently I came to the conclusion he's great for solo questing. He pretty much destroys big part of Cav EQ paths (except for Buffed Up paths). For most of side quests I take him with me to make fights shorter. In Cav EQ opponents go down in around 35-40…
Encountered the same. How come this is not a bug when it's clearly visible who will be the boss before entering a quest?
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