EndymioN ★
kabam managed to obliterate aw interest, now all that remains is do the same to aq and we throw the game away and everyone saves time and money
lol, so just ignore everyone and do what kabam wants... nice policy lets see if it works
I cant talk for everyone, but im seeing this as follow : scam ... After months of selling 4 star packs they turn around and say ok we have made enough money now were going to gate all that with 1 weeks notice. Dunno if my oppinion is going to be deleted but thats how im seeing this and i doubt im the only one, even today…
at this point feels it doenst matter what we discuss, kabam will do what kabam wants, im up to talk improvements but if past is any indication it wont matter
lol just saw latest seatin video, Groundedwisdom got some love, and kabam tonedeaf as always, they will probably quit when we all quit this game wich apparently will be sooner then expected.
Makes to me, would have kept the resources instead of flushing them down the toilet just as kabam plays the long game we need to do that also, and be carefull we CFree resources are way to scarce in this joke of a game, so restrictions like these make us change accordingly so no you are not right, we need to plan as tough…
Makes to me, would have kept the resources instead of flushing them down the toilet
variant vs act 6 is more like fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, it just keeps getting shadyer and shadyer the contant 4 star sells without warning to one week new content restriction feels like a last drop to many
now this is a nice way to send your player base to other games, this feels like Alita vs Cap Marvel all over again n1
this game has become so unplayable that i went back to spend most of my time in my pc, stopped versus and just do the minimal in alliance... no more money spending and if this continues for the next month like they ignored everything about darkhawk debacle, prob going to drop the game altogether tired of kabam exploiting…
Hes just trolling you Grounded , just ignore the dude. i also tested it in multiple devices and all craped out so... not even going to continue to dignifie him with conversation.
Seriously, the 100+ statements from the player base are not enough for you? sure, how about you leave the grown ups to talk and go play then.
lol holy (...), yes the 100+ statements from the player base is not enough to this hero, go brag somewhere else and leave the conversation to the adults please.
No the crashes are not fixed, some of them might but not all...
Considering today is 22 of December and almost end of month, at this point its not good enough, practicaly 1 month of a failed event where most of the community complained the least someone expected would be an ingame warning to the player base that the content is in fact not working properly so they wouldnt keep spending…
This game now feels as if they introduced a new level of rng, from time to time more often now you just get a fight with a npc in overdrive intercepts everything and moves in uncanny speeds.
in contrast the master is way to easy lol takes 1 hero to win the run, epic takes all and not win it ...
tried and wasted 2 tries in epic of chilled, at this point i just dont even care, at the rate this is going im taking the joke of someone i saw around in this forum, the game wont make it to 5 years ...
i want to think this is not done on purpose, but these problems seem to get worse from patch to patch, and the radio silence for the most part is killer... i never spent so much time in a forum like in this game its nuts the constant problems this game has.
yup, been doing massive amounts of versus battles and its very noticeable in many fights the speed variations, even tb nc effect... sometimes it plays well no faults other its all over the place the npc is nuts with its reactions..
tell me something, not everyone has access to many or any refills.. if i happen to wait a day for energy to fill itself then i go to that event and lose everything what do you call that? ...
my take on it is the energy is always needed so has a cost, if we lose a try in a broken event is energy we waste in resource gathering as an exemple... and the amount of tries many people made is this event is days worth of "grinding" of resources that are scarce to begin with thanks to kabam
how can it be no cost if he will be using many hours of energy even if he didnt use anything to refill, the cost of energy is always there... every try we make has a cost
You are right, your reputation precedes you, mostly because most of the time feels like you blindly defend kabam, but for once i actualy agree with you and noticed some of what are describing here as well. and sure i rock an "outdated" device by 2 years +/- but hes optimized just for this game, by that i mean removed…
it is still broken, and from the radio silence from kabam dont expect much soon...
i imagine very usefull, so usefull that when we attack we have so much lag he wins by default :pensive:
its not just on new content, happened a couple of times in act v as well, if the hero is too agressive we get hit 5 times before the game allow us to dash back.
funny thing, been doing other content because lets face it, this one is just impossible for some, and even in normal quests this "lag" when any npc is overly agressive we cant move back in time and always get hit a couple of times from the get go, this "lag" extends to other content from what im experiencing... thats me at…
well i can see this is going the same way as my own post, deletion... sorry m8. its just the forum way.
and just to clarify, i did finish 1 line in master and killed boss, after spending 200 credits i made in versus and all pots made in the last week because 2 full team revives had many insta kills of heroes because boss attacks us before the game allow us to dodge back, need i say more?