Fluffy_paws ★★★★★
But also I absolutely love the purple tin can too
I'm not ready for it to go, I haven't got the one champ I wanted from it 😂
I've landed 2x 6* generic AGs from Banquet crystals. And 6* Quicksilver from featured.
R4 IF coming soon?
Must be playing the game wrong coz venom is almost always on my team
This is the cutest Nimrod I've ever seen and I want to squish him like a marshmallows
Then I shall be unstoppable with my hoard of IFs.
Carnage. I never use him except to become a wheel thingy when beating up RoL WS. Why I took him to R5 for that I'll never know but damn i love that sp1
I did say I don't know why 😂 I know how to play him. I just get so bored but AA is my go to champ and his playstyle is the same. I don't know why.
Colossus. I don't know why.
I must be losing both my eyesight and memory in my old age😂
Also Free new 2* champs!
It should be a bug. Nodes always count as champion abilities, otherwise he and others wouldn't/shouldn't turn them off with AAR. Unless there was some sort of overriding global node stating "Disorient is inflicted when the attacker dashes back by the Almighty Chair", it shouldn't affect him. It's a hill I'm willing to die…
It's a good deal, but I'm lazy and I hate arena. I can get catalysts etc without rng but champs are rng based 😆
Not one that deals energy damage tho
Hit Monkey no but other champs for 750 units that I've been after in crystals yes. I wouldn't go for the gems and stuff though.
Quicksilver is annoying me just because he seems to be there ALL the time
I'm doing it for the 2 star Crystals and I'm heartbroken I've opened like 12 and not got ANY new 2*s 💔
Thanks. If the sig is the only part affected by aar then I've obviously been multiverse jumping.
I'm over here waiting for the summoner camp 300 units to "waste" it on a chair pfp. Don't know if it'll replace my current one but I've wanted it for ageeeees
Is this still broken? He had this issue when Civil Warrior's buff came out which got fixed pretty soon actually. Just so I remember not to take AA against him. (I did try find a duel target but can't and I don't have any Cap Falcons)
@Cat_Murdock made a very helpful infographic if you check her profile
I look forward to seeing the gameplay and write up! Totally should show him off. I won't make it to the class nexus this time, because life and stuff = no time to grind units and no way can I solo the path, but shall keep my fingers crossed for the normal nexus. I did do the carina challenge with 3* Aegon for the dual…
I believe he needs it most out of those mentioned.. and also he shuts down so much with his dupe. SO much. Oops. Namor also needs it, didnt see him. Still would go for AA
I have never been so proud and jealous at the same time... is an odd feeling. Congrats on the gauntlet run! Edit to add: question wise, what do I have to do to be able to stare at my own R3 AA? I've got gems awaiting, getting dusty. When do I need to make the goat sacrifice?
Or tech. I want Nimrod and OS for my Sentinel army
Me too! I stopped ranking them for the moment but still aim to max out all my 2*s. Used to get the insider bundle for the exclusive 2*s but took a long break and now I'm missing looooads of the new ones.
Archangel's bug is at least specific to one particular thing and not that he just stops doing damage whatsoever (not trying to give anyone any ideas, please no)
This has been a bug for ages where this particular node apparently doesn't count as an opponent ability while every other node does.
He's great fun and I'm ranking mine for CSWS nodes. He is a bit easily countered though, I do wish it was limited to certain debuffs like stun/slow and not every single non damaging debuff.