
  • Is this dpx fight bugged? Dude follows the node and doesn’t throw s1 or 2 but immediately throws his s3. What up Kabam?
  • We run 5x5 aq and are gold1 war. Tier 5. My line ID is greenmachine118. Send me a message if you’re interested
  • I don’t disagree. But now the fight is a cake walk. And those who do it after me are getting the same rewards with a significantly easier challenge. So I was just hoping for a little something. But, as evidenced by the replies in this thread, wanting that means I suck at the game and that I’m a big cry baby. Dems da breaks…
  • Y’all would’ve been a lot cooler to have just said, “hey man, they addressed this already. Here’s the link.” Probably expecting way too much tho. Anyway, I’m gonna cross this bridge now. Y’all have fun living under it.
  • Hahahaha man y’all really are some aholes aren’t you? I hope you feel better about yourself. Have a nice life bud.
  • It’s so refreshing to see a fractured community where the opposing sides are hellbent on diminishing the opinion of the other side to nil in an effort to improve their self esteem. Well done MCOC community.
  • I mean. If you are tired of looking at these posts then just don’t. Seems like a pretty easy fix.
  • I’m sure just like every other thread that you have seen, I created this because I saw no official word from Kabam regarding this topic. It’s wonderful that we all are talking about it and agree that it should exist but until Kabam acknowledges it and officially says that it is going to happen, the community needs to keep…