Jaydev217 ★
Thanks for all ur help guys ! I reached till here and Just see my units I can't go forward ! I cannot use anything and with coincidence my net data is 100MB left so Thanks again and bieeee............! Best of Luck
Wow Thanks for the only good advice @DrZola
Not cross-argueing wid me u guys should have either Advised me how to complete it !!
Dude there must be factors that made u win First of all 4* Duped Gwenpool Ur experience in the game {not level}
Forgot to write that they r 4 star champs
I don't think that u can UNDO what u did as they will give the reason that it's and online game and they cannot change any profile's data ......... Hope u understood
Thanks both of u !
Thanks Everyone for ur Advices! But this is still insufficient Data to me ! Cause King Groot is so slow in attacking and I didn't like his SPs and ya i have 1/25 Howard ! His still good But as I have them !!!!Unfortunately!!!! I need to play with them
Actually Quicksilver died in The Avengers : Age of Ultron so I don't think they won't release him Silver surfer is also good He should be added and may be he will be OP Anti-Venom is the must Iron Spider should be from The Avengers: Infinity War OR The Ultimate Spiderman Series !!!!!!! and at last Nova from The Ultimate…
Dude ! Have u scrolled down ?? If yes, then I don't know but it seems that u haven't scrolled down
Hela also
First of all what is Gold quest ?
Ya true... I guess A new champ may be cming !
Uncommon champs means that the champions which we don't get Easily. For eg.( TRUE STORY ) I opened 65 Premium Hero Crystals and I got around 8-10 Ronans ! This means that Ronan is a common champ But Moon Knight, Archangel,etc. etc. are uncommons which u get very rarely !!!! Hope u understood..........!
Scarlet Witch obviously !! She is toooooooooooooo good !
Now they have released Tier 5 Basic Catalyst In the Act 5
Voluntaris can u plz explain it ?
Ya I was thinking that only but still it does appear Shock written there
Or any other ?
I prefer opening the Basic 5* crystal if u want any of the unspecified ie., Featured Champions It's major advantage is that u can have 3 5* Champs When u will be having only 2* Champs in Featured Crystal.(That means a lot for Intermediates! )
Actually I am still compeleting it ! But it's more than 850K
Wolverine's Bleed stacks upto 5 to 6 Regeneration is satisfying
There's a great need of 1st, 7th and 10th Option !!!!!
Ya it is ! Till now
4*Wolverine (R4) 4*Ms. Marvel (R4) 4*Cap. America (R4) 3*Iron Fist (MAX) 3*Black Panther (MAX) Total Hero Rating :- 10K+
Me too ! Haven't got it !
I haven't got the crystal man !
Actually it's Immortal Iron Fist !
Thanks a lot for the list !
With Spiderman 2099 there will be a great need of Venom verse including Anti-Venom and all !