LPtheArtist_666 ★
Next Tuesday, Peni, Havok, Werewolf, Morbius, Kushala, Chee’ilth will be rotating from the Titan into the basic
For Seasons 50 and 51 only, 7 star The Leader could be awarded in ranked rewards for the Top 10 Alliances in War (as 7 star Scarlet for Seasons 48 and 49).
Paragon +
Negative units is what happens when people ask for refunds.
" As a result, the team has made the decision to bump every alliance one reward tier at the end of the season "
... purely theoretically. Similar experiences in the past have shown us that for Kabam (due to the complexity of the operations) this solution is not viable and it is preferable to delete the single war (without even acting on the rating)... history teaches those who want to learn
Do you have a better solution? The cancellation of the seventh war is the lesser evil because it allows the continuity of the system to be preserved (unlike the cancellation of the season). If everyone stopped looking at their own little interest it would be the only wise thing to do. In fact, immediately after the seventh…
There isn't just a podium, there aren't just three alliances, there is a system to preserve. It would be enough not to be a fan and look at the general correctness of a decision, not exclusively at one's own small interest. It would be enough not to be kids playing MCOC but mature people with a wealth of knowledge and…
There's no need to a massive change but please consider taking into consideration changing him slightly. Such as increasing the chances to proc a state benefit from 30% to 50%.