
  • So you didn’t know about this one for ten months but now there are several?? You’re not going to list them because we might exploit them? But you’re gonna leave this one alone until June? Do you even listen to some of the things you say?? Or even read them before clicking post? I swear man.
  • I didn’t say it was but type in morningstar and champion boss and this ability is been advertised by members of the ccp since the release of 6.2. Not saying they were in the wrong at all. Kabam is completely in the wrong here. They say the game team knows how it was “SUPPOSED” to be implemented. Then why the heck didn’t…
  • Dealing with problems in the design? So they don’t even bother with looking at two of the best nullify/regen champs in the game vs the hardest buff dependent boss in the game?? You’re arguments are completely illogical. If they’re spending so much time with design problems then this bs shouldn’t even be talked about then…
  • I could understand if this has been something going for a month or hell even a few months and they announced that it’s gonna be fixed. But this has been going since the content/champ was released and clearly documented with several videos. Not obscure videos. But videos with thousands upon thousands of views. This is…
  • How is it completely different? She hulk performed the same function since her release or more importantly since her buff. Morningstar has performed the same function since 6.2 dropped. Bwcv has performed the same function since she was released. So what’s different man? It’s not like this went on for days or weeks. This…
  • I never once said it was quick??
  • The only people that didn’t benefit were the few that weren’t lucky enough to have the champs.
  • Only some people benefit?? Dude it’s been common knowledge since the content dropped? Why now is it such a huge problem?
  • That me how you see it but... A lot of ppl said the shehulk “fix” wasn’t a nerf also. But it clearly was. Something that tons of players are benefiting from since the content dropped and now all of a sudden is a problem. This should’ve been fixed from the get. Not let half the community benefit from it then all of a sudden…
  • Why you so mad bro? Go cry some where else man. This is a serious issue. Just picked steam? You kidding bro. Been videos of bwcv for over 6 months. Lagacys video alone has over 50k views. Go on somewhere lil buddy!!
  • I know how to fn read mate. How about you ask kabam why they’re not reading what they put into the game before some ppl benefit from it before they decide to call it a bug??
  • This is exactly my point. Ppl got to beat the champion with she hulk. Now Morningstar and bwcv. They’re just eliminating all the great counters until the only way you can do it is buy opening you wallet. It’s already a shite fight to begin with.
  • You can’t say something is broken for over a year. Morningstar has been in the for much longer and it’s been this way. How you gonna call something broke and then fix it so long afterwards
  • That’s the thing though. Morningstar has been in the game for ages man. It’s worked this way for ages and now all of a sudden it’s a bug?? It’s bs.
  • That’s not the point man. Something works in the game for the longest and then all of a sudden they call it a bug and make changes with no feedback from the community? She hulk needed a nerf?? Are you kidding.
  • Almost all of these are very valid points and problems. But another on the severely pisses me off is that before cavalier I use to pull 225 units at least once a week. I open quite a few uncollected arena crystals per week. I’ve kept a tally since I’ve become cavalier I’ve not once pulled 225 units and I’ve pulled 75 units…
  • @ESF I have a ranked 4 unduped WS that is a frikkin truck man. Tbh I’m almost considering taking him to r5. He doesn’t need the dupe at all. All it does is add a lil power drain that is very inconsistent so I wouldn’t be too worried there. What he does need tho is the KM synergy. I have a 6* km but a 4* would work. But…
  • This is ridiculous. You can’t tell me it would be difficult to see what champs were ranked up using these gems and rank those champs down. This is a slap in the face to everyone that plays this game. That’s a huge advantage being able to rank up new champs vs champs from **** 3 years ago. The restrictions need to be…
  • Hey guys. Me and a buddy are looking for alliance. Maddog0894 is my line Id.