Malakai1970 ★
Kabam: We don't want you to hoard you stuff, it is bad for the game. also, Kabam: Congrats on hoarding your 5 star generic AGs. Now you can get a 6 star AG. For those of you who took our advice on hoarding: Too bad, it sucks to be you.
I was holding on to my sp3 so I can use it once the power lock was applied. Once it appeared, I used my sp3 as soon as possible. It was about 1/4 of the way through when applied.
He is not awakened. I have done that same fight over 10 times now and this is the first time this has happened. And besides, if he were awakened, he would have applied a power drain which would mean that Hyperion couldn't get to a sp3. Also, Hyperion was already power locked when I used my sp3, meaning that he shouldn't be…