Mr_Surfer1 ★
Will you need to reach a certain progression level(Uncollected, Cavalier etc) to play this mode?
Hit another milestone or file a help ticket.
If you have the time to rant how do you NOT have the time to do 10 measly fights a day
What if Howard the Duck was the best champion in game?
When you enter the revamped quests it resets your progress for that quest but keeps you at your current progression level in story mode.
Best thing in the last episode was the Kang Variant laughing as he dies while telling Sylvie "See you soon".
The only difficult part of it to understand is the Summer Canteen. The event itself is pretty straightforward; 10 fights a day for a days worth of progression on the event. And what do you mean by less is more?
No one would have paid that amount had they seen this coming. I personally think that Kabam should compensate those that bought the pass+ in a way that is equal to what they paid for but in the end it really comes down to what they think.
3 bosses seems like a bit much but your idea for the map is good. It requires tweaking so that it becomes more organized and easy to follow for both defenders and attackers. But banning specific champions is not a good idea. It places restrictions for certain fights that need certain champions.
There are problems with this solution but people who got the pass+ are getting double the grace days plus the shards from when they complete the event early. If it truly feels like the pass+ is worthless maybe there should be some changes made to it.
F2P's have to pay 1x gold to get 7 grace days. 1 gold. I really don't understand how this is that bad.
This is what the blank looked like What do I do?
I still don’t see the crystal. How do I fix the issue
You have the right idea. Missing one or two or even three days on the event won't affect you as much as you think it will.
Is that Eternity in the center? Or is it The One Above All?
It really isn't money based. If you have the Resort Pass or Pass+ you still have to play the game to get the milestones for them. You don't get the rewards for free. The only differences between the Camp and Resorts are that the resorts are giving you more tokens for the canteen and they give more rewards for the event.
Question: For the rewards for the side quest it quantity. Just as an example for heroic it says a quantity of 50 for 4* shards. Does that mean we get 50 shards or am I missing something?
Winter Soldier Sp2 Doctor Doom both Groot Sp2 Old Man Logan both(This one because all the Old Man Logan's I've faced have specials that are unblockable so I'm caught of guard and can't dex in time.
Other than duping champions a fix to the iso issue I see is bringing back the halls of iso but in rotation class catalyst quests that happen each day so you can get iso more easily. We have permanent quests for cc so it isn't out of the question to have the same for iso.
It's a calendar not an event so why would they release it in patch notes? Wait a couple more days before you jump to conclusions. They might announce it later.
I meant resources to upgrade champions. Things like revives and units are of the same value to everyone.
Why are you auto battling?
Nick Fury, Colossus, and Scarlet Witch(NOT the Og one).
I agree with this in all aspects because more often than not I've been in alliances where people bash the game for being hard and not being surpassable. Keep in mind that these are people with god tier 6* and 5*s. It makes me mad that they haven't even bothered to try or at least to figure out why they can't beat the…
It's to test your skill against random match ups, not for rewards.
Free 6* and all aside, the calendar should be tiered based on your progression because there is no point in getting resources for 5* and 6* champions when your main roster is full of 4*s.
I would like to see a Summoner Appreciation calendar but I wouldn't want it to go so far as to give everyone a free 6*. It would be nice but it would give newer players to big of an advantage over the earlier stages of content.