Newbot2310 ★
I'm guessing 3m maybe 3.5, I'm going for 3.5
I'm guessing 3-3.5m
This event quest is waaaaaaaayyy better than the boss rush, especially for rewards
Wow will have to spend so many units along with valuable items for a 4* champ, and a tenth of a 5*, come on guys
Before the update, I'd get a 4* out of phc every couple weeks at most, I do open a whole lot of crystals but I've opened about 4* as many phc without a 4* as I ever have which means the odds have to be way down now
No way, i already got 2.7m, I want vodoo from this arena
No way, I already got almost 3m, I don't want another arena no matter what the rules are, I want vodoo from this arena this time
Kabaam mike on vacation but can't anyone help us?
This is crazy, spent so many hours nonstop grinding, got 2.7m n now I may not get vodoo, bad enough i never get any good crystals anymore, I'm fed up