Nuke ★
How many do you have room for?
How many are you looking for?
Line or Discord?
You’ve got a lot of guys that haven’t logged on for days. Are you sure you’re looking for one?
Are you guys fun on Line or business only?
Hire this guy. 4 months ago? Kabam Jesus.
I’m sure it was a You thing.
Quality of Life.
K. Bye.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
I had this one. Lol
Guess they hope with new content players forget. Typical.
Hope there are Mythic Crystals!!
It’s all BS.
Maybe they’ll have a bunch of Mythics. Then everyone can get some…
Silence is Deafening.
GW is obviously an alt Kabam account. Ridiculous really. You made your point. Noted. Got it. Move on. I would just like to hear an Official statement from Kabam. Everything else is just argument. Round and round. Its good to keep things in the public eye but until we hear official word, wtf? One way or another. Just say…
We apologize for the inconvenience
I would just like a response from Kabam. I’ve spent money on the July 4 deals. Instead I could’ve just grabbed this BS.
I’m sure it’ll go smoothly.
Kabam - “We apologize for the inconvenience.” Take your pick of which one..
I don’t remember BS like this since the whole SW debacle.