Onurre2 ★★★
Exactly my point posting this post. Again I'm gonna copy and paste the same thing I said above "I think kabam and all of us lost our understanding of time. A whole year of spending for a single titan... Almost 2 years of grinding for the level cap... Time isn't that cheap guys this is just a game..." On top of this…
Of course just shard would be much better but still if we are paying for these items, we should be able get them all if we want to, not just if we need to. We are paying to open this shop and if the weekly or monthly items in that shop are not getable then you are just wasting your money. We shouldn't just think of this as…
Like I said, iso and max sig crystals lost for a single 7 star is not worth it for an advanced valiant player. It also doesn't look like you can get it every month. Didn't do the math but getting 150k 6 star shards a month doesn't look easy to do if you don't spend BG tokens on them and why would you spend BG tokens on 6…
If this store was a great upgrade, I wouldn't mind getting 30 or 10 credits a month. BUT this store is basically a downgrade. We were promised an upgrade with better rewards but as a valiant player who spends this is just garbage. They are only trying to sell this for the refined xp and nothing else. TBH I don't even care…
And what is it's already done 😁. Won't go for a refund the normal way. Never refunded anything in the game and don't wanna see negative credits or something because of their bugs. The should do something about the players who bought twice.
What happens if you bought it in game because you didn't see it in the store and you buy it again on the webstore when it is available? Do you get extra units and credits or do you get 2 months of it like what is the solution because the payment went through?
If you already have a 5 star version of heimdall, it's more than enough. You'll never use or rank him. Out of these 3 I'd go for Black widow. If you don't have heimdall as a 5 star then you might consider him for the synergy. He can save you from sp3's and more.
Also yeah it's really my bad about the SDE part of the post but still calendar part is important. It is really bad for years and it should be improved. There are a lot of places to improve rewards on like BG store or Black ISO Market, I didn't mention them in this post because I've seen posts talking about them, don't…
I said 4 based on this picture on the site but the numbers could be wrong or they might improved it don't really know.
You guys are totally right and I forgot about the 4hr crystals we get from those milestones. Thank you all for correcting my mistake. Please try not to see my stupid side and don't mind about the SDE part of the post. I think it gives 4 4hr crystals a day and it is really good. I just read about it removing daily and 4hr…
I did the daily missions and my individual points went up, but the community points is stuck.
So no one is going to put a light into this situation and tomorrow is the reset... Great juust great.
This shoud be an anniversary celebration not a grind fest, and all the rewards including the last milestone should be achivable without a huge grind behind it from the community. I'm glad you guys are taking action. Make this event an anniversary celebration event, not a grind that leaves the community exhausted for the…
Yeah, you could. For example, you could have not clicked on a post called 'aq raid compensation' 😂
We are waiting on a 2 week old compensation now. They said it would come this week but those who didn't have any glory saved up missed out on last weeks glory store. So even if they give out 20k glory, people wouldn't be able to buy Last Weeks Glory Store Deals. Right now it doesn't make much sense to just giving glory as…
A simple suggestion and I know it probably won't get implemented BUT I think this would be FAIR enough; Instead of sending the rewards who weren't able to join,make it a store bundle at the cost of 180 Raid Tickets. I know those who already did it once get to have it twice but with a costly amount like right now most of…
In the free event there are 1000 free units and the paid&unit deals being bad... this is the best event ever!
New tag is awesome to show new events but the red notification not going away without clicking on it is annoying. 1 step forward, 1 step back.
What is your suggestion, is it 'wait untill it ends up on the stash and just claim it there'? I'm not just talking about BG daily rewards, everywhere it's almost like that. Daily objectives, weekly objectives, daily events, weekly events, 7 hour events, monthly events... and you claim all of them from the stash but I'm…
How does that have anything to do with my complaint about time consuming UI effects? Does showing what you just claimed for 2 seconds on screen make you aware of the world events or seeing the last milestone everytime you try o claim a bottom one make you aware of the world events? You are a funny one...
It specifically says: ' Red Skull is Immune to Nullify, Fate Seal, and Stagger effects from Champions.' If a champions immunity says; 'immune to shock effects from champions' yeah it wouldn't be immune to nodes.
Yes it is really annoying, and the new event ui is made for DSE in my opinion because it is unnecessarly complicated at the moment. One more thing with the new event ui is, when you try to claim a milestone reward it always starts from the last milestone and tries to scroll down to your current milestone which is another…
Very clear, thank you :smile:
Silk synergy maybe? But I get your point filling a spot for a synergy won't be very practical.
I opened 60 in total hoping maybe I'd dupe my BRB or get her as 7 stars, also opened like 15 of his crytstals with units 4 days ago. Got 0 7 stars. So that's 0/75 crystals, to see that 3% on those crystals I hope I get 3/25 :smiley:
I know this is a troll post but still... The thing going on with deathless champions where you dupe them if you use them in a really hard fight could be applied to our boy Maestro here. Like use only 7 star Maestro to clear a path Labyrinth of Legends. Can be a new carina challenge instead of being a part in this summer of…
Well I wouldn't say no to a permanent content that has great rewards for its time. Like I said too, bringing a new one would be a huge jump in rewards but bringing new difficulty to old ones and updating rewards accordingly would be fine. Of course I'm ok with both. Wouldn't compare monthly or story event structure to the…
Great idea! Hope kabam will see your comment, realize variants are just a waste of time and remove them completely from the game. As a compensation for such a horrible game mode we all should also get 9 star sig 400 Hercules and Quake. Right?
There is a good chance it might be asked and answered on a live stream. I just hope they can get enough free time to go through with it.
Well that's great then, I'm really happy to hear that. Do both, bring new difficulty to old ones and also new variants 😁 I really love the old variants and it would be cool to use all of our new champions even on the old ones. Like imagine using 2 star enchantress (or any other 2 star we got from that recent arena) on that…