OrcDovahkiin ★
Keep duping every skill champ literally and not getting Nick, Ægon or Blade, but can't complain I love my roster
Playing the game of Life
Silver Surfer
Have ghost, void, archangel, magik and corvus
In terms of awesome for sure goldpool but in-game ægon
Silver Surfer for sure gliding through the cosmos exploring
Silver Surfer
Just because we knew he was coming I was hyped and thought he would've been insane but in terms of crappy Diablo for sure
It's free but feels so damn better when you work for something and get rewarded my 5 crystal before this free one was a corvus so in happy
"so many dumb ways to die."
Maybe we'll get a Nexus for Christmas day,
Beast dupe, no need to upload pic
Agreed him and sentry have been my most hyped characters tbh
Bruh Sound Effect #2
BPCW dupe....... :(
Yup he is annoying
I have an abundance of materials but no good champs to use them on :(
If I like the title lol if not act 5 exploration (oh wait I read master..... I don't touch heroic)
Blades been avoiding me :(
She-Hulk dupe for me
Ghost Bae
Man I feel lucky with my bishop and antman
Meant to click doc strange
She's insane especially with that awakened ability your a lucky man I was hoping to get a tech awakening gem :(
It happens to everyone
I like using ghost
This cause I have an awakening gem for him and everything or a ghost dupe would be appreciated