
  • I honestly don't mind the lack of a nexus. I kinda thought there would be one, but it doesn't make that big of a difference. The biggest things are the catalysts with guaranteed value.
  • A few more came out and as of now I think this one by @21Eggatron is overall the best and most comprehensive:
  • Update: the spreadsheet has now been updated for sheet 2 to have the paths. we don't know the exact order that bosses from the same quest will be arranged in, but I put them all where they generally will be so you can start planning now and just switch the rows in the sheet around to match the paths. Thanks for sharing the…
  • This might be helpful to anyone planning their path. sheet 2 will only be filled out once I see the path, but you could do it yourself by pasting bosses from sheet 1 to sheet 2 in order. (also any feedback would be much appreciated)…
  • here's a spreadsheet I made to help y'all plan your paths for the crucible. since we don't know who's on what path yet, I haven't filled out sheet 2, but I will as soon as the content drops, or you could make a copy now and copy paste bosses into section 2 on your own. then just fill in the blue section and make sure you…
  • toad is much better than sauron for the fight, the rank difference isn’t that big.
  • Angela wouldn’t need sigs for this fight right? I’m assuming not but that would determine 7* r1 or 6* r3
  • Cides or nah for this week? I plan on a run with valk, rogue, and kp/mephisto/angela
  • Second update: Blade was a lot more enjoyable to use than rogue, still a relatively easy solo if you can manage the reverse controls well. Sp1 OP at forgiving your mistakes. (Was a 6* r3 rogue) This has me a little scared. My rogue is luckily fully maxed, but long fights with her are never super fun. I’ll post an update…