PoorMansGaryNeville ★
Please get in touch with ColbyX85 in game if interested
Look us up in game Unstoppable4 #RYZN4
He is also noded with Counterstrike. Sounds like if you were using Spark you would have used the dex mastery. Each time you use that you gain a passive fury, at 10 charges DPX will become unblockable for 15 seconds.
Are you using a 6* Sentinel?
Haven't been able to read passed the title
3k t2a and 3k t5b from 3 crystals for me. I believe that is in fact the absolute minimum you can get from that amount of crystals. I usually accept the RNG, sometimes its in your favor other times not so much. But seeing people get 70,000 more fragments from the same number of crystals takes the biscuit. So excited to…
Previously had pretty good luck on featured. 2/2 on Spark and 1/1 on Hela... This sent me to 0/5 on Blade in total having gone for 2 on his first run. But it's the risk you take with these crystals. Win some and lose some. Decided to open my 6* as a pick me up, safe to say it was not the pick me up I so desperately craved.