The game experienced a brief connectivity issue this morning. The team promptly fixed the issue and things are back to normal, thank you to everyone who passed along reports!
Pot_Belly_Papa1 ★
Whilst using storm on last map of Master Event Quest against Electro she is taking damage from shock whilst using her specials 1-2.
I've done multiple runs using her and it's the same outcome every time albeit some champs aren't taking shock damage whilst using no contact specials .
Can someone or a Mod please confirm ?!
Yep , I’ve tested him a lot recently since I pulled him , using a sp3 whilst prowess / regen is active resets the the timers so all you need to do is get a sp3 to go and if you’ve low health take a block hit to proc the regen and wait till it’s nearly empty before using sp3 to refresh the timer to max. You can only do this…
I quit levels multiple times whilst using keys it just puts it back in your inventory, ( unless there’s new bug). You’ll have to go to 5.4 to find one then like I did
After my first run through and then going back for 100% I realised I had used some keys during my solo run. All I had to do was go through the maps till I found the keys I wanted to be able to continue the maps before for 100% Hope that helps
You have to use a sp3 whilst the regen is active to refresh the regen .
That one ? If so then yeah , if you PS from the off and they have no power when you do it there’s nothing to remember so she won’t power steal . But obviously from that if she has power from her first PS she will remember for every other one . Sounds like a well improvised excuse to me to stop all the carnage they created…
Il not sure of anything , I just go by fact and the facts state she can steal 33% power from an opponents power , not make it out of thin air . The excuse given by kabam mike dosent make sense , according to him she can’t steal any power if they have none on first use of a sp2 And as she “remembers” the power from before…
What description was that ? You mean kabam mike basically making up an answer that noones ever heard of in 3 years ever or you still hoping that the devs got it wrong in her bio but it’s taken till now for them to spot their mistake? All I know is you can’t say champs working as intended if there’s no info on the matter…
My iceman is still doing 15k on sp2 so all good for me lol
Standard business practice to me , maybe if people learnt from their mistakes the rest of us wouldn’t have to read post after post of “Whah !! My champs broken you did this kabam you did this . I’m going to sue you , I want tickets and compo” yada yada yada . Updates contain flaws , it’s fact , you can’t install…
It’s been standard practice since the start of the game . Take magik , she’s been broken since start , they updated her and she still was broken, they update and an apparent bug miraculously fixes her ability so it starts to work like it should then bam! To much fuss is kicked up so they take her back to being broken .…
Being a f2p dosent stop you completing all content , it just makes it slower . There are plenty and various you tubers and videos of supposed f2p accounts that move fast through the game , why ? Coz they know what their doing for starters . F2p will always be slower progression Part f2p/ptw will always be the middle ground…
Yep sounds like someone is cheating bro and not saying anything lmao
I’ll assume as there putting magik back to her original , albeit broken state, RDT won’t be issued . As for getting RDT for older champs YOU have ranked I would very much doubt it .
Not sure what that link has to do with anything , but as mike said there putting her back even if it goes against the developer write up she has had in her bio since she was created. My post there was simply a dig at kabams complete turnaround on their own advice and standard commentary practices followed by their lack of…
I hear what you’re saying and somewhat agree, but the bottom line is wether it was an intentional fix or just a bug that transpired from the update her broken ability was fixed and caused an uproar because now she required actual play rather than repetitive combos to use. Yes I agree that they should have stated that if it…
Her ability description says she steals 33% of the opponets power bar , so no power no power steal . So in my eyes she was fixed and now they want to Unfix her again.
You mean like she’s suppose to?!
Sl all day long , in terms of ability versus time played he has the highest damage increase out of all champs in game as long as you can fight the long fights . No other champ comes close to his ability to ramp up damage exponentially!
Never once has that explanation ever been in any of her ability write ups , her champion spotlights you posted or ever explained by any content creator let alone yourselves ! What I expect has happened is she was fixed from her obvious broken state and after it’s been so long you had that much back lash from those that…
Apparently he’s getting fixed this year which is why he is my possible r4 5* brawler but we will see . The r4 5* version currently is doing some insane damage of 70k+ so would be great if the can just fix his low combo burst damage .
Nice ! Although the problem with Carnage is the streak you need to pull off some crazy damage in his current state , my r3 5* ( with a mutant crit team ) can do the following with the x3 furies & x3 crit damage rate;- Heavy - 10-12k + Medium hits - 6 - 8k + Light hits - 2.5 - 5k + X5 combo (mlllm) 20-25k Sp2 - 20 - 30k +…
All I can give you is my experience with a work colleague who got banned permanently for apparent account sharing. In fact he hadn't shared his account at all but had used an android for when he was at work and and iOS for when he was at home which was 37 miles away I believe . After numerous emails /tickets etc and…
Serves you right is all I can say but also I bet it WAS fun along the way heheh. Fairwell Brother !
Op I have plenty of alliances members that travel on an almost weekly basis through work or pleasure , take your pick. None of them have been "banned" for this as they don't break the ToS set out by kabam. If there was suspicious activity for example you log in on your device in uk at 8pm and at 9pm your account is logged…
***update*** Ok I've just tried him out a few times again today and it would seem whatever the issue was has now been resolved . Thanks for the input lads .
Yes, like I said he was fine a couple of days ago. I don't really use his heal but when needed it's always there . From yesterday I gain x3 charges and hold to activate regen but it never happens . I've tried multiple times to no avail, so I decided to make a post .
I agree , Hulk pushes you back further than if you evaded . As to what determines it I have know idea other than a guess at coding /parameters. Side note;- Hulk dosent push HB back at all I find .
Thanks for that buddy, Totally forgot about her sp3 ability lol.
Ah ok thanks , I've just read up on it, you can't actually "steal" a buff and it's not written anywhere on her ability page that you can , only life steal. What you can do however is replicate or "copy" it but they will still be able to use there's till it runs out and only then will you be able to stop then proc 'ing that…