Revan1001 ★
Hmm.. That's an idea. I need to go through else one variant and finish this quest to gain 10 six star crystals to button opening
I mean something like this
I activated 3 Adapt, 2 devour and 1 infect during the first path. Against Venom at second path (and next) firstly use simple combos with only 2 medium attack to gain 6 fury buffs. Than need to use common 5 hit combo to nullify Venom's buffs with Devour evolution. Some heavy attack to make much more damage with poison.
Of course it can not kill me. But how much? 1%? 2%? 5%?
I want to know, what percent of my health will blast if classes are the same =)
MM... Simple and as already said, beast when duped
Usually I updated in to one-two days before new event. Some people from my alliance already updated yesterday.
Was he bleeding?
So sad... Thanks, my bad.
Red Hulk to r4 with dupe only I think
Great idea!
No, it is the same every time, except champs with energy resist, like Loki. PS. Of course it is greater when I have class bonus.
Don't think so. Against Iron Fist (he has no armor), Limbo damage is the same.