
  • Just had a look and tier 5 has dropped off so I can't go back now anyway.
  • I could but then I miss out on a set of rewards that would be helpful in my push for paragon. I don't mind a challenge if it's fun, there's nothing fun about that quest and having to do it 25 times.
  • Thank you. I only have hercules out of those 3 and he is a rank 2 6*. He got me through my initial run, however he can't get his full damage because of this node and with him only being rank 2 sig 20, he isn't strong quite enough to go against the 7* champs I'm faced with. The thing is the most problematic champ in this…
  • Encroaching stun is a bunk node, having to do this quest 25 times through the month truly sucks and for me not worth my time as I only really want the 6* awakening gem. I don't have the roster to go all the way to gladiator, tier 6 was tough and tier 7 took me a few revives. I'm thronebreaker with only 2 6* champs at rank…
  • It's going to cost me almost 50 energy to correct this but I'm not even sure if doing it again will fix the problem.
  • I have to go though this quest again because somehow it didn't register my first move.
  • I was elected to lead not to read haha! In all honesty though by my calculation as I've got to chapter 3 of uncollected event quest, it's 6 of one half dozen of the other. Remove a path and increase the energy cost it all still works out more or less the same so really it's pointless except it's now even harder to score…
    in Energy Comment by Riciton September 2023
  • Uncollected is costing way more energy. I used to run through it twice on full energy now I can only do 1 run at a time. I'm not a happy chappy with this change if I'm to be honest.
    in Energy Comment by Riciton September 2023
  • Well I dread to think what the uncollected quest will be like, it will likely take me all month just to complete it. I think it's time to uninstall the game again and take another 3 year break.
    in Energy Comment by Riciton September 2023
  • They haven't removed paths though. Uncollected EQ quest 1 has always been 3 paths, it is still 3 paths and costs 3 energy per tile. Also the scoring for event quest completion solo event hasn't changed so you use more energy to complete the quest and fail on the solo event unless you use a lot of energy refills. I just…
    in Energy Comment by Riciton September 2023
  • This whole thing is pointless. Why would you ascend any champ when you're just going to get the next star level of it? Magik and quake are the only 2 champs that can really benefit from this update. If they brought this in instead of 7* then I could see the relevance. Personally, I would keep my gold for real rank ups.
  • Thanks for all the advice. Fantastic 4 team did it and yeah the right side was definitely more manageable.
  • Maybe I'll try the right side because Yondu always bleeds me when he hits my block and it absolutely rinses my health. I'd go with she hulk for the power sting synergy with mr. F. Thank you for the advice, I'll have another go with all fantastic 4 champs.
  • I honestly can't see this becoming a frequent thing. If kabam take the time to read any of the forums then they will see that even people who did complete the objectives did so begrudgingly, so if they care about the player base they will think of something new. Not one person has stated how much fun they had completing…
  • What they did, is what they did, too late to change it now, however it is stupid. People have complained and complained about the stupid objectives so they decide to base a side quest on the completion of these objectives that everyone has hated doing. To me it just shows how little kabam think of their players and what a…
  • Yes there was a deadline to complete 1 difficulty of the objectives in full. A message was sent out explaining this and the cut off time. It's total garbage and many people haven't bothered.
  • It's a stupid event, I chose not to do the objectives because they're stupid and not being able to participate in this months side quest just means I won't be playing much for the next month. If this is the kind of thinking we can expect from kabam then they're just going to lose players. Judging from the quest feedback,…
  • He must be bugged because I'm still taking damage. I've fought electro and still took static damage.
  • Ah right, thank you. :)
  • What is the difference between the to 2 purchasable passes? Is it really worth going for the more expensive one?
  • Yes there would be no way to know the difference. I get the penalty because unfortunately there are lots of cheaters but maybe just reduce the health loss to 25%.
  • I have used my potions but the compensation isn't going to be around forever which means soon I will have to use my units to compensate for this error.
  • I see your point but a 50% health loss is a bit much when an accidental connection loss acures. Couldn't the health loss be reduced?
  • I didn't get this screen, it reloaded back to AQ. I actually finished the fight but it didn't go through.
  • Let me start over, sorry I didn't put my first message very clear. I came to the forums to seek advice for this quest because I'm struggling and the first few pages is either saying to use corvus/Ægon or people are just complaining about the true focus node. I personally don't have an issue with the true focus, however I…
  • I miss wrote a bit sorry, I meant to say it wouldn't be fair to make a quest that only 2 champs can do. I don't want to use more than 15 revives because I only want the T5 basic catalyst reward to help me progress in story content.
  • This is exactly the info I was looking for, thank you.
  • I'm not saying only 2 champs can do it, I'm saying that only 2 champs are being suggested and I'm trying to get some other options. The ability to evade or miss isn't causing my problem, it's the constant degen that is killing me. You lose health if you block, you lose health if you activate a special, you lose health if…
  • I don't have Ægon or corvus, any other suggestions to get through chapter 2 because all anyone has to say is how these 2 champs can do it. It isn't fair to make a quest which only 2 champs can compete in. True focus was needed in this game, people should stop complaining about it. Close encounters combined with invade is…
  • You should quite easily be able to get both the shards and the gem crystal but I would go for the gem crystal first. If you don't have a champ for the gem now, 5* are easier to get so you will most likely get someone soon to use it on. The 6* could make you cry, if like me, you pull classic iron man.