
  • Alliance war is the worst form of game mode, I been Playing this game for 8yrs, the only time where alliance wars seemed fun was before tactics or before 2020, after introducing defensive diversity, and later tactics AW is a clear **** show 💩. The number one money grabbing act from Kabam from end game pro players.
  • Fans gonna have a really really hard time accepting him as Antagonist. On top he needs to really bring out the best Doom ever to the screen for anyone to forget who’s behind the mask. There are many capable actors who can portray that role much more effectively, I was hoping it would be Cillian Murphy especially after his…
  • What would you do if your friends got the stimulus check and you didn’t? @MrSakuragi
  • Okay just give me back the revives I spent during my first two runs. I don’t have to spent my items because you guys screwed up. I spent my time, effort and you know these SoS type of content is usually frustrating for a limited roster and f2p players. Don’t be saying ain’t no compensation for getting the points during…
  • I mean I redid the run! But if you are going to compensate what would it be?
  • That’s fine I redid it twice with 1. Herc, Abs, Serpent, 0 revs 2. Domino, HT, Doom, 4 revs Got my T4As and R3 Serpent for my 2nd and Valiant. Also R2 Wong for future Necro first run. I hope Kabam gives at least 10 revives for compensation and also, R3 items and 7*/ Legendary shards
  • I mean they are not going to give me all the missed Valiant crystals and valiant rewards that I can get during the time until they compensate right? Should I redo the objectives then? Will they compensate for my redo as well? This is such an unfriendly and bs way of handling mishaps.