SonikGold ★
Galaxy S23 Android 14 Sonik Gold No game updates available, 48.1.0 First fight in AQ, map 6 against spider ham Tried Diablo first, then Hercules There is no way to complete this fight, which affects both myself and the alliance. Still experiencing blurred fights against some champs, but that is doable. This new bug is…
It says the calendar goes live, but it never said you must update the game before it goes live. If that's the issue it should have stated that clearly.
I see notifications in my alliance showing member found 3 star guardian minutes ago, but no guardian or Canada day calendar in my game.
Same here. Updated, no guardian or Canada day calendar. Reinstalled and still nothing. Using Samsung S10e.
Another reason for having an exit button during placement is if someone joins the wrong BG accidentally or didn't see your message for them to switch BGs
Nice! I'm all for items in quests. Just get rid of them in war, but yeah, we know kabam will never do that lol
I agree, which if you read all my posts you'll see I'm all for just getting rid of revives and potions in war.
We just now hit 5 million, are in tier 7, and just matched with a 16 million alliance... I know that has nothing to do with attack bonus, which I still don't agree with its implementation and it being an accurate measure of skill. Clearly matchmaking is not working properly. War needs improvement. They need an exit button…
Not crying lol Never complained about war before unlike many of you. Attack bonus should be combo bonus, if you really want to measure skill. Attack bonus is not a good measure of skill. The better alliance didn't win.
Last time I checked you can buy units that you can use to buy boosts which help you win on the first or less tries too
You can top your health off to help you get the win on the first try or less tries if you have to revive. So you can still pay to increase your attack bonus.
Clearly you haven't read everything I wrote. I'm perfectly happy to have them remove revives and potions altogether, but one thing you all seem to forget is without those that pay, this game would cease to be supported. Attack bonus doesn't eliminate pay to win, BTW.
You're already rewarded with an advantage by leveling and ranking up when you're the stronger alliance. So many keep talking about measuring skill when attack bonus doesn't do a great job of that. Combo bonus is a brilliant measure of skill, much better than attack bonus! You should be given so many points per hit for your…
First of all, I've never complained about any previous version of war before. This isn't the first time we've lost a war, but it is the first time we've lost that I felt was unjust. I'm sure that's why many people complained about diversity points, although I have never had an issue with that. I'm not a sore loser, and…
I really wish you could actually fight each other in real time. That would be awesome! ...and a better test of skill
To beat story quest, and earn more points in arena lol
Appreciate it and I agree there is a thrill to close matches like that
How is it they beat you in "skill" if your defenders are weaker than their's and their attackers are stronger than your's? That's not skill. Now if it was vice versa then that's skill.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. They could be buying potions to keep their health high.
I didn't include because that was obvious. So technically you are correct. We tied in one metric, lost in one metric, and beat them in all the rest. Is that better???
Are you blind? Attack bonus is in the pic, and you can only show so much in the stats at once. That's why I didn't show boss clears because it's obvious we both cleared the same.
I said join attack phase. Their 10th player never even joined attack phase. I understand staying back. That's what I did, but everyone should at least join.
Even if that were the case, I'd still rather it be that way. With this current system people will just use potions before revives to help get the kill. The assumption that they beat us purely on skill is false. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. What they did beat us on is less tries, but like I said, that could be cause…
That doesn't level the playing field.
I do fine with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. What's constructive about you die too much, and your alliance needs to get better at fighting? How is that constructive??? I disagree with how war is currently setup. No one has offered any real constructive criticism. I'd say you've offered the closest, but not everyone has the…
How about we just eliminate revives all together then???
We did die too much. Thanks captain obvious! It's not impossible to improve matchmaking. All we've been getting are stronger ones. I don't know all the metrics they use to match, but they need improvement. I've felt that way since I started playing this game.
Congratulations. I'd like to see the breakdown in your history. One of the members of the opposition I actually had recently kicked. I don't know all their skill level but I know his and his skill wasn't better.
Boss kills are the touchdowns. That's why they're 20k each. I understand the system fine. I don't agree with it. There should be no bonus for attack and no points for defender kills like there used to be. Points for defenders remaining is fine. Defender diversity is fine. You fought for attacker bonus so you will defend it…
This is our 4th loss in a row. I don't think we've ever lost 4 in a row until the recent changes. We've never gone an entire series of war without a single win.