SwarmOfRavens ★★★★★
Was not expecting to see jubilee/stryfe with such a clear lead but I can kind of see it. Hardest paths were right side Overall hardest was path 6 to me, it felt like the only path that had actually annoying fights. Being my last path after blitzing the others probably didn’t help since I couldn’t bother drafting counters…
Pretty much summed up why it’s meh to me. only way you get valiant is if you whaled or explored pinnacle content and the difference is 7500 shards. Not a class 7* or titan crystal. Either way it’s a gift so it’s good
That’s fine, either way i think you’re better off going on or the other instead or running both. Dropping Kate and taking aegon is a viable route if you find the alternative too difficult
Kates not an ideal counter for Knull but even then it was a 3 revive fight. I could have fit absorbing man in place of Wong for path 4 and had a better counter. Or replace him in path 6 for a Fant man counter but I did my clear before most counters were tested and the revive difference wouldn’t have changed much. I didn’t…
Best partners depends on the fights you’re worried about and who you have available. I used Kate/Chavez/G99/Wong for all 3 right side paths and they covered everything I needed well enough “iBom, Red Goblin, Nimrod, Odin, BWCV, Squirrel Girl, Spider 2099, Elsa, Purgatory, Quicksilver, Spot, Sandman and Shocker.” Yes Kate…
Not sure but I’m guessing Aegons AAR covers this after ramping
Imo pick one You lose the benefits of team building bringing both. They have major overlap for the fights they cover and I also don’t think r4 aegon for exploration is going to push the results you’re expecting if you’re not going to rank him all the way. For right side Either go Kate/Chavez + 3 slots to counter whatever…
You can give it a test at r1 without much commitment, r1 g99 can reliably solo jubilee since the fight is mostly just sp2 bait, not much block damage, and pretty aggressive with the power drain pre fight Immortal abomination right after will give you a better idea of how fights are with the block damage and timer since…
I think r2 is pretty needed, some fights have a lot of block damage and dying with a soul will set you back. Test her on jubilee and ibomb and see how it turns out, both can be soloed with g99
It isn’t, I used g99 for storm x, dragon man, jubilee, ibomb, Diablo, silver centurion, sunspot, kitty pryde. She basically stuck on my team the entire right side paths, especially since I didn’t want to deal with silver centurion + annoying trap nodes
Can confirm, even at r2. I managed to luck out with a duped 6* hulk relic and he stun locks even the chunkiest of defenders. In bg starting with half relic means you can basic combo > sp1 > basic combo > relic > heavy to enter rage > sp1 + relic loop Defenders very rarely get the chance to even use a single special. And if…
Happy hunting!
Depends on how you define better, bringing Kate + specific fight counters is cheaper for every path If you’re interested in speed and ease of use aegon on path 6 (Odin/mantis) is probably easier assuming he’s also r5
Used the same team + a reverse control counter for last 1%. Chavez does silver surfer decently. If I could redo the path I’d have dropped shuri for Wong here GM was a team revive effort, he doesn’t need anything special outside last phase so It was cheaper using everyone
Nope I didn’t fully heal on most fights, mainly because I did all my paths one after the other and didn’t farm pots. They’ll be some fights where starting with full health to get the most out of coldsnaps would be useful like FAM, Knull, psycho man etc where all you care for is damage and you’re on a timer. Most fights…
If you’re even moderately skilled at playing Kate go with her. I did my full exploration with Kate/Chavez/Wong/G99 6r5 ascended Kate carried me through majority of it with the exception being attuma section where I brought in shuri as well. Didn’t prefarm any pots or revives, just bought the eq completion bundle x4 times…
How many units for the deathless piece?
It’ll work fine but you can do better, if you’ve got despair Wiccan is a breeze with Kate. If you can, bring a better guardian counter
It’s objectively prof x. Mind control chain sp3 > sp 2 > sp1. You can reasonably argue that Wiccan is better for path fights though but that wasn’t the question posed
I know but I have to remind people to check their Wongs since a ranked one can take you a long way in necropolis. Especially for completion if you’re willing to mix paths If you do Titania/Apoc paths Wong can cover 13/14 path fights. Some fights like Titania are hard for Wong but he can push through if you’re skilled…
Do you have a Wong?
Shang chi, Mr negative, Titania, Valkyrie, Galan (dupe) and kitty Needless to say I'm sticking to the featured for now
Apoc, Prof X, AA for mutant run Hercules/cheerleader/cheerleader for second run
Who else
It's too early to say, since all of them except wiccan are going to be in the next featured. I'm going Scorpion since he's the most known and has had the chance to show his worth. I'll have a better idea after the featured drops
I unlocked them the last time the 1k unit mastery core deal came around and prefer to keep them on since then. They significantly change some champs for the better like my r4 ghost and made diablo my mvp for Carina's challengers abyss since he heals to full from a 20% revive and becomes tankier I have them on or off…
1) Do not take the easy path. Take darkhawk, Luke, Old man Logan which is path 3 I believe. 2) if you can unlock suicides beforehand do so, it'll make for a much better experience with knull 3) Drop spider 2099 and Venom bring miles and Venompool instead.
Congrats! 🎉
Don't think there's a clear cut weakest. They've all got enough good champs to be considered stronger than another depending on the circumstance
I've already explained what I said. You can carry on with "yOu cAnT aDd 1+1" when we were using different assumptions. Rehashing the same dumb statement doesn't get your point across any better "What made you think I was TB" The fact that you literally state "at the beggining of the year I had 1 R4. By the end of the year…