Technofloppa117 ★
If you have solid skill, you can clear TB eq. If you are like me, and suck, do cav.
Nevermind, banquet alliance just came in. Got 6-10% with 2.3 mil
Im still waiting for mine and my alliance placed 3,570 according to leaderboard
How many points did you have for 11-25%?
A lot of cosmics
Nice, im sitting at 50k :( where do ya think that will land me? Id say 75%ish. If im lucky 50%
Somewhere in between the range
I would say top 1% would be around 200-400k
You will not receive rank rewards if you leave before payout.
Im fine with the meta because i have a few champs for it. It just gets annoying when the game matches you unfairly. Im a fresh thronebreaker getting put against paragons with r5 6* champs and r2 7* champs.
Currently 1.8 million.
Yes, the nodes this season prevent regular attacks from doing damage. In turn, special attack damage is increased by 400%. You can only generate power by placing damage over time debuffs on your opponent.
It’s a recurring issue that is hard for them to fix. It is clear that some efforts have been made to stop this from being as frequent, but games are bound to be buggy.
That really shows the odds of units popping up, thanks!
That’s a sad nexus in my opinion. I would like to make a recommendation but its all pretty bad. If it was my crystal i would take the awakening on Odin, but you do you.
I agree, there are a lot of viable options in this meta which unfortunately not everyone has access to. Sometimes the RNG just sucks and you don’t get good champs. I understand the complaints because i only have a couple of viable champs for the meta that just end up getting banned. Regardless, it is a fun meta, it just…
I believe certain progression levels may have separate rewards so if makes sense that it changed the milestones. The same happened to me, I was cav and became a thronebreaker and the milestones reset. I do not think using the extra envelopes could get you in trouble, but if you want to play it safe I would avoid using them.