Thi101 ★★★
Currently in act 6.2.5 (the Mordo boss) I don’t think I’ll try to 100% act 6, so I’ll prob just try to crawl my way to Thronebreaker
All the images went out of order, wonderful
The 1* symbiote will be pretty much equivalent to a R4 5* (or higher even honestly) at max upgrade. Its a very capable little goo
Omg I didn’t know I could bring 4* in now So i got it bagged I can put the ultron on the team for the Warlock fury synergy I managed to wipe the floor with Mr Sinister with him
Sure But on the picture the opponent didn’t win. It timed out
She has been my most wanted champ ever since her release lol. Only managed to pull her today (i only had a 3* version)
Oh, I thought i needed to max them Great news
What do we even have to do to get Legends title?
You have no idea how many mystic/science duo 5* crystals I opened, and how many 5* Poison Incursion crystals I opened trying for her lmao
I will I have enough dust saved up Just need to max her out now
Unfortunately I don’t have a 5*+ champion to activate the Warlock synergy
It is
Thankfully I do have Heimdall I’ll try him out on the team
The top 6 rows of my roster:
The second crystal was a Juggs if anyone was wondering
Zero to Hero seems insane But I don’t know if the others are too bad, specially if you have someone that can apply a slow debuff, which basically shuts down the first two nodes simultaneously
I like your design But I’m afraid it’s doing way too much Like, I don’t see why Lizard would need the Rupture application, specially if failing to apply Bleed or Poison is already giving him extra Sheds And maybe, just maybe, he’s applying too many debuffs… Bleed, Poison, Trauma, Concussion, Armor Break, Slow, Petrify,…
I see. I didn’t know that But honestly I’d prefer if the nodes weren’t this explicitly empty y’know lol Like if they were on the paths, I would mind it less
Goddamn it, I posted on the wrong section
I think that having the synergy affect her Physical Vulnerability is weird, since she only applies those with her Signature ability. Having a synergy that is only useful for her if she’s awakened feels weird tbh
I tried the fight with my Proxima Midnight and it went like a breeze Apperently her 200% offensive AA reduction while blocking just makes the annoying node not work, so I can at least parry in the fight lmao
Any Magneto or specifically one of the two?
Oh how the tables turn
Yes! I do remember it from back in the day. I got to read it when you first posted it. I’ll leave mine here too if you want to take a look. It’s definitely not as intricately designed as yours, but it was still fun to make regardless. It…
I made a little challenge like a few days ago suggesting players to design a boss fight (no one participated lmao) And I think I did a nice job with it. I’m saying this cause I used Life Transfer, but paired it with Power Shield, so your basic attacks did no damage. On top of that made the opponent go unstoppable everytime…
I agree It was less of a problem when there were less champions in the game But now, needing a specific dupe kinda screws you over. Signature abilities should be some extra bonus or enhance a ability the champion already has, and not be the reason why they’re good in the first place
Np! I posted a Blink design at the Character Wishlist thread if you want to see it