ToxicBlade ★
Yeah and it's only 1 energy per tile
Ghost Rider is very overrated in my opinion, I think he is not far above average
If anything, he is pretty underrated as I don't really see endgame players using him anymore
He is still great without dupe but the increased buff duration takes him to a whole other level. I have played him both duped and unduped for a fairly long time, and the dupe even at low sig makes a huge difference.
Hyperion or cap once you get him awakened
What is "4" supposed to mean?
Paths you have completed will be a solid line, while ones you haven't completed will be a dotted line.
You have way better champs than miles. Switch him for Venom, Spider-Gwen, or Thing
Scarlet Witch awakened will steamroll through a ton of content for you. Not only is she good, but one of the easiest champs to play effectively in the game because all of her effects are random. Archangel is also a fantastic option when awakened, so I would go for one of those two. Your other champions are all amazing even…
Mine was Spider-Man classic, but at the time he and my 4 star rocket helped carry me through the end of act 4 and the beginning of act 5
Even unawakened, he is one of the best characters in the game.
Never sell champions
Lol that's exactly what I was showing to post
He said not broken lol
I feel Venom the Duck is the most useful and versatile champion out of the 3. The choice mostly depends on your needs, and if you need a certain champion for something.
Nebula is not bad at all, and Mr sinister is probably useful for some stuff
Training was not what made him a superhero, it was the spider bite.
This depends entirely on who you have already and what you need right now. Medusa and Void are very different, and excel at different things.
None of the above. It's groot
I used 3 team revives
Absolutely. Hyperion does have a large benefit from being awakened but he is still amazing without it.
I got a rollover from ghost to hood...
Bought phcs everytime I surpassed 100 units. Everytime.
Double yes
Congrats! Wish I had one above a 3 star...
I read this whole thing in Ryan's voice lol. Keep it up!