Vger ★
Took me forever to get even a 4* Venom. A 5* Venom is my White Whale. I started playing in 2015, so thousands and thousands of crystals opened. Meanwhile, I open 5* Moon Knight constantly.
Man...that 5* Wolvie makes me drool. I've had my 4* at r5 lvl 99 for years and still use him a lot. Congrats!
I see...I just went and read the mastery. Supposed to be 12% Ability Accuracy reduction with 1 point. Got lucky 3 times in a row I guess.
Ah....yes I do have one point in Assassin. Is that the reason? Weird how it doesn't affect mechanics like Hela, or against a team with Heimdall in arenas, or Punisher's Endured, but does bypass iH's immortality.
Or Blade. I use my R5 Blade more than any other skill champ I have. He's underrated against non-Mystics and non-Villains where the trinity doesn't come into play. His regen is insane, and on demand. Bleeds on parry. My Aegon is R3 duped, but I don't plan on ranking him more because I'm not doing Abyss, and I'm not a fan of…
Looking for 1 more...we have 1 BG doing Map 5 in AQ for the first couple of days of the week now. Still 2 BGs for AW. 9 War winning streak currently, but we aren't AW focused, and were Silver 2 last season...just want 20 to participate every War if at all possible. Getting those red shards for war victories is nice, but we…
Need 1 more hopefully before the next AW season starts In game is V-ger with the hyphen.
Bumping this...still could use a couple
Seems to have resolved
Update...Looking for 3. We've gained a few good members through this board, just had to kick another long time member that had disappeared for over 2 weeks. We're running 2 BGs in AW and at Silver 2, and in AQ, we run 1 BG doing Map 4, 1 doing Map 3, and 1 doing Map 1. Usually hit 50 million for the week! Again No Line…
Same goes for Colossus vs. Sym Supreme...not a good time
Bumping this. Got one solid recruit last week, need some more though! In-game is V-ger, with they hyphen.
This. This is exactly what I did, too. Heimdall kept me alive long enough to get some damage in after a lethal hit, then I just chipped away at him, and eventually beat him. Once. And used 23 revives in the process. And he fired off SP2 only 6 times out of 28 fights. As might be obvious, I'm not really very good at this…
I'm just done with this garbage. I couldn't come close to beating Darkhawk in Master using 5/50 max sig Luke Cage, 4/40 max sig Medusa, 2/35 Quake, 4/40 Cap IW, 5/50 high sig Switch, 4/55 Magik, 4/55 Cap Marvel. I restarted several times. I lost my whole bank of over 1,000 units on revives. I spent every revive and pot I…
Kamala Khan with 3 Furies
I would just pick whichever you like playing the best....I mean, they're all enviable. Can't go wrong imo.
OP....I'm right with you man. That Crossing Guard with the Enchanted Stop Sign sounds fresh. Looking forward to it. I do know that Night Thrasher's main weakness is throwing a pebble under his skateboard wheel.
Nebula and Yondu...both mercenaries. Others include Domino, Deadpool, Karnak, Elektra, Gwenpool, Moon Knight and even Black Widow. Obvs BW is both Mercenary and Avengers, but not #Hero.
- me Heimdall is worse with his immediate power gain and 2 bar start. If he doesn't SP2 immediately you are toast unless you have duped Ice, duped Cage, or duped Gwenpool to tank that SP3. Maybe something else I'm not thinking of, but I don't know. Seems much more limited in your options than the Hydra Adaptoid.
Yes! Also finally got my rewards. Thank you, Kabam.
Thank you for the update. Just hoping we don't get lost in the shuffle.
Seatin underrates Luke Cage vastly, imo, unless his opinion of LC has changed. Reduces enemy power gain with his exhaustion debuffs. Hits pretty hard. Bleed immune. Can eat a SP3 with no damage. Kicks Dorm's behind in AQ. What's not to like?
All true. He's not the greatest or anything, but he was one of my first 3* like 2 1/2 years ago, and I like champs that cause bleed, so he remains a favorite of mine I have DW mastery maxed. Now I use him as a 4* on occasion still, in questing or whatnot. I only have Redpool in a 3.
I got Void, Sentry, Star Lord, Magik, Luke Cage and Voodoo from basic. I'd rather open 3 basics than 2 featured. Especially since you can still get a garbage champ out of a featured. Just my opinion. Then again, it takes me awhile to build up 5* shards
Always 5* for the future is a decent rule of thumb. There is only so far you can take your 4 before hitting the wall. But if you love playing with Blade more, do what gives you the most pleasure in the game. That's what I tend to do, actually.
Xforce is fine if duped with high sig and deep wounds mastery. Duodenum Poke, y'all!
Now 92 hours have passed. Almost 4 full days. So what do you guys think? Is it a real good idea to do one of these Crystal forums this weekend, being that they lied to us about the rewards we would get last weekend? There is simply NO ACCEPTABLE REASON that Kabam could not have gotten us our due rewards by now. NONE. They…
And....roughly 78 hours now since crystal cornucopia arena ended. But "just hang in there, guys". ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE ARENA REWARDS ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
-'s just the usual K-bam SNAFU. Things are broken, but they aren't vital to revenue, so they'll get fixed...maybe....sometime in the future when they eventually get around to it. Meanwhile...they've put out lots of new stuff for summoners to buy, so you know, go spend those bucks.
I think you's not that Groot stands there and doesn't TRY to hit you, or charges and backs off, so as to evade and/or avoid parry. No. He swings, but doesn't connect/reach you on his first light attack, even if you're standing right next to him. He whiffs though you are blocking, not evading. That isn't…