Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • No ones stealing ur mcoc acc dw
  • I like him alot. Ramp up quite simple, at 100 charges my r1 lvl 1 7* can do rol fights in about a minute.
  • Herc, archangel, kingpin and nick fury will be the most helpful in my opinion Omega sentinel or ultron will be good for crossbones bc theyre immune to poison
  • I think anyone poison immune. I used hulkling since xbones purifies stun alot.
  • Idk if it will help but maybe watch Nick136’s streams or recaps, he has a 3 or 4 month old f2p acc that has multiple 6 star r3 and above, check how he gets his resources. But to be fair, he did grind alot so results prob wont be immediate.
  • Yes your roster has the champs for it. Idk alot about idoom but i heard hes good, torch red mags and omega sentinel should be good and cgr imo will carry u thru a lot. First two quests are hard tho imo, i had to use revives but other than that it isnt too hard. If u got boosts u could use them, but not necessary.
  • Kingpin for sure and odin for ur 5 stars. Black cat, diablo and cap marvel r good too, but i would focus on kingpin and juggs first. I wouldnt focus alot on 4 stars, but if u want to do galan he is top tier so you could rank him if u want Just make sure to play all champs how theyre meant to be played so u get the best…
  • Kitty, shuri, shang chi, warlock, lots of good ones
  • I didnt screenshot but i got this guy from a 6 star nexus which i got from a cav nexus lol Nice herc btw
  • I think it depends on who u like playing with the most. All r good, in my opinion I would go doom. I like playing with him the most, I used abs man as well but I didn't rly like his playstyle and wanted something more simpler. He is still in my bg deck and is a solid defender tho. Same with shang, I just like dooms…