
  • I'm keen. I have sent you ingame friend request. We are in the same boat. 27 in the ally but core group of about 12-14. Running maps 4/3.
  • Why are they 300 units in the Black ISO store anyway??. (Uncollected) Paying a monthly sub for the sigil but using their pricing, 5 would cost me 1500 units, or A$80 for the Black Panther's Treasure (still only get 1450 units but its close) or I can buy the Rabum Alal bundle for A$47 which gives me 5 crystals....and some 5…
  • Hey mate....I could easily take all 4 of you if you wanted to join our ally. Running 2 BGs, Map 4/3 with hope that with a few more that will be 4/4. Silver 2 atm but probably silver 1 by end of this this season. Have Line, would like more using it but its working at the moment. Most of our guys online during Aussie time.…
  • Same issue. Only happened when the new patch/content loaded. Please fix ASAP Kabam.
  • 300 units is less than 1/2 the value paid for the gifting badge in real dollar terms. You need to do better Kabam. Much better. Realistically, I am not expecting real money back but I do expect fair value. This isn't like selling a car and it losing value due to wear and tear. This is a digital product. Same in, same out…
  • Hi Feafie. Assuming you are in Mjolnirs Revenge?. We are also a Silver 3. Need up to 10 players, maybe more for a merge if your alliance would be interested?. Currently have 26 but plenty of deadwood and lots that don't want to partake in AW or AQ. We have been drifting because of it. Let me know if that is something that…
  • hey Big. I feel we are running what you are looking for. Currently have space in the roster for 6-8 (even though it says we have 28/30....couple of alts, bit of deadwood). If we could get a few more active players, we would comfortably climb in ranking. IGN: ggFyre Look me up IG and check out the alliance. If you're…
  • Solid line up.
  • Could be a lot of reasons. Were you abiding by the terms set out by the alliance?. Were you contributing on wars and AQ properly not just joining, moving once or twice and then forgetting?. Use poor defenders?. Not duelling, SA etc when required?. Its a huge list and I'm sure there would be valid reasons for being kicked.…