smy168 ★★
I recently popped Jabari Panther to R3
Imagine if the whales don't get the Isophyne dupe....think about that for a bad will their economy fall if they lose the whales.... We'll hit it, consider that the mini-whales combined spend probably out weighs the big whales...with the issues that happened on this event and force feedback they are…
Seems like no one is bringing up that to qualify for the Realm Events in the deeper rounds, you need a minimum... so if you don't spend to earn at least 23K in points, you won't even qualify for those "great realm rewards" to even qualify for Isophene, I need to spend at least another 150 bucks since I'm at 18,9K to…
Thanks bro, its been a while since I've been here, but hope all is well and Sersi is killing it for ya! @Pikolu
cool, thanks for letting me know.
Thanks all, I'm r3ing him now.
What class is she in? Cosmic?
yes, intercepts and heavies are somehow whiffing, I've parried to heavy and completely whiffed through defender, or they parry me from long distance and no contact. I'm assuming there are still bugs being worked out, have switched back and forth to 30.
me and some friends stopped buying it because its outdated...this is a good call.
I think this was a well thought out post, you stayed as temperedl as possible and pretty much just expressed your opinions. I can definitely agree with a lot of your thoughts, and I may take some issues to a couple things but that would be based off my opinions. You will get attacked here, this forums has its "toxic"…
we are due for an update, its been well over a year, last boss was Spidey2099, when they changed to CosmicGhost it was pleasant enough but they should look at changing the boss at least. I don't like RAIDS, too many bugs and bad experiences has me shut down on playing that mode but we def need a revamp on AQ defenders and…
Havok is really under-rated, Sunspot is a Nuke for sure, Gambit on the right rotation (you can find vids on youtube) is a nuke as well but Havok has more dual utility (def/atk) than them. plus he's duped...
I'm still deciding between Kitty or Kate to r5asc....I'm a end-game player, I don't do BGs because of the bugs...I'm pretty much running 7s only these days but I do like them both but hard to compare values of the damage and utility they both have, I think Kitty hasn't fell off much outside of the unique champs being…
Got it, thanks, should have read more carefully. @PantherusNZ
ahhh, ok, got it, thanks @Jaymix79 @ahmynuts
I have 2 accts, main is on iPhone (personal) alt is on Oppo(Android/work)....there are times where the iPhone works fine but lately its been pretty bad. I prefer to use each acct on their specific mobile devices. I have a couple older mobiles sitting around that I use for long form content but I carry 2 mobiles daily. I'm…
trying to figure out if its the OS or if its the game...this has been a issue for a while now, forces me to use my android when I'm doing end content, just want to stop juggling phones.
As mentioned by @Sundance_2099 ...Never sell your matter what.
Thanks, I guess I can just use the front screen, need the foldable for work related things.
Yeah...time to start retirement mode...sad, I understand that unlimited is not the right answer but the extreme is this process....farewell soon, I'll take my time and money elsewhere...
The SQ this month was garbage, failure attempt at getting people to do Incursions...I ran for the Legends title because I didn't ever plan on doing the EQ route...other than that, didn't even waste my time.
- something to look at...
Meh...I think Iceman is just fun to play, old school fav of mine anyway...this was meant to be a small buff, and that's what we got...still better than the Spiderman buff haha
I got my Legends badges for both my accounts, I'm not embarrassed at all, I do Incursions on both accts anyway every reset for the awakening gems and 6* sigs...I get that there are modders out there that took/take advantage but I'm in the game 8 years and never wanted to waste effort on the EQ track, for garbage rewards…
mine is pretty bad, key issues: 1. holding block dashes forward 2. parry is almost non-existent 3. delay launching SP1s (not as frequent) misc: 1. skip animation doesn't work 2. daily stamps are not showing up? 3. game cuts off on iphone out of no where I'm on a iphone 12, sometimes I use my ipad mini. Feeling the…
yeah, they are sending a template response but not actually informing the community about what is actually happening. I have 11 TBs but thats because all we can buy are TBs, but as a paragon, i have no access to TB in-game redeems...I think they are changing that but the Kabam SOP is not exactly good for the type of money…
I have a Legends title on both my accts...I'm not a modder...if you like the title, as I do, then do the incursion to 25, get the title and screw what people think acct, my time, my play... peace
There's a Hulk OG and a Gulliotine OG
Absolutely agree, 8 years in and by far this is one of the worst, I get Kabam trying to push people to play Incursions and or BGs but this is not enjoyable...picking a hack after each fight is by far the biggest waste of time in a quest.
uh....disagree....I'm 8 years in, paragon when the title dropped and even if I was a new day 1 paragon, I would expect a jump up across the board...but right now paragon is just a money grab to me, with resources built into cash buys. I think if you've gotten to paragon...that in itself is a worthwhile journey to better…