thanks4playing ★★★
Nice pulls! I'll update my via spreadsheet to make it more efficient (the last pull since my last update was #159): If anyone's curious about dual crystals, from #167 to 185, these were mostly Science/Mystic dual crystals (except for 2, so a total of 16 dual crystals). I'd say that I did not fare very well. I know Fixit is…
I'm similar to your situation so I know how you feel. But at the same time, because you have a more developed roster, you'll be competing for higher rewards than those who less developed rosters. So even though it's more difficult and you lose more matches, you are gaining more rewards. Personally the biggest demotivating…
It really depends on what your needs are and what game modes you value. Personally, I've been hunting thing because BGs, AW, and Incursions are high priority for me and I have the sigs to s200 him. If that's not the case for you, then the other champs are great options: - MrN is great b/c he doesn't need s200 but you have…
I'm waiting till the 7 star shard update and I've opened a bunch more since my last post, so I guess this is a good time for me to update. I'm just going to show an image of all my pulls. The asterisk mark means that it was either a deal, featured, or a nexus; if there's a parenthesis then that means it was a nexus; and…
It's been awhile since i've updated. Here are mine from my last update. The 130s treated me well, but most of those were nexuses from EOP, War, etc.: 120. OML 121. SL 122. Korg 123. Stryfe! 124. Jubilee 125. Venom! 126. Sam 127. Gulk 128. X23 129. Cosmic Spiderman 130. DV 131. Nick Fury (skill nexus with TM and Ronin)!…
those are some excellent pulls early on! Definitely don't get discouraged if you go through a rough patch. But you should be set for quite sometime so you'll be fine either way.
oops, nvm, i see ur AA is not duped....
I don't get why people are criticizing you for not planning b/c AA and s99 are viable options. My plan was AA (backup Nimrod), but I experienced the same issue as you. So fortunately I had Nimrod and he destroyed Sasquatch even during that last phase where he gets a lot of regen. But sorry because I don't have enough…
It's tough b/w Nimrod and WL. Personally, I just r4'd Nimrod over WL b/c of his synergy with Kitty. I use Kitty a lot. Plus Nimrod's prestige is higher and I'd rather invest my sig stones into him instead of WL.
I'd love to hear any updates as well. I think Kabam owes it to the community since the gameplay issues still persist. I created a post a month ago, how I'm afraid that the problem will be swept under the rug and it seems like my concerns have proven to come true:…
ayyy my man. like i said, you won't regret either way b/c both are so good. I personally think both are equally dominant, but I use Tigra much more b/c she's more fun to use. I'm like you, I don't like the parry+heavy gameplay. It's so repetitive, so I try to avoid AA, mags, cable, capIW, etc.
Very tough decision. I personally would go Tigra. Not only b/c she's OP but she is so much more fun than AA. But you can't go wrong. With all that said, for others I'd recommend AA. Either way, congrats on a huge W pull and don't overthink it.
This 23 minute solo against gauntlet ham
@BitterSteel how is MrN as an option for sasquatch?
My great and wise officer , @pseudosane , assigns me Havok and Doom. I've taken those fights a lot. Feel free to look at my recordings where I detail out the specific strategy in the YouTube descriptions:
I actually accidentally submitted another ticket not too long after the original b/c I didn't get the confirmation (so I thought the first request didn't go through). I did get a message saying that it was a duplicate and to direct any questions to the first request, so clearly the original ticket is in the system, but no…
I came here for this question. As well as sig stone trade in.
Just wanted to say that I appreciate that someone from Kabam is not only reading these posts (i.e., taking the time and energy to learn from the community), but is also promoting conversation and dialogue. I hope that the perspectives on this post can help make MCOC better overall.
I'm trying to be hopeful, but based on the recent buffs and the language about appealing to new players by providing champs with simple kits, I have a bad feeling about this buff.
The gameplay issues are only getting worse imo and it seems like they are not getting the attention that they deserve.
just curious, what time do you usually play BGs?
if you know how to use Tigra AND you are going to commit sigs to her. The difference between sig 1 and 0 is virtually nothing, so you'll need to invest those sigs.
I posted this awhile back and it might be helpful for you: In short, don't try to hard to stack up furies (unless you're making a YT vid or you have a synergy team). And break the fight up into 2 or 3 mini fights, where each one you…
Unless you sig 200 Tigra, I'd go with Doom. And I'm an avid Tigra player. Not only did I use an AG on TIgra over Doom, but I dumped 200 sigs into her and used the r4 gem on Tigra. On my YT channel (, I have over 40 vids using Tigra, by far the most. I must warn you,…
I don't like it on paper, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and see what the experience is like--i'm sure (or at least hope) they've tested this aspect of it to conclude that this makes it a more engaging experience. At the same time, it seemed to me that there are other ways to make the entire process more…
Nice pull! He can still be useful imo w/o his dupe, e.g., in BGs (as both attack and defense) and as an AWD. It's been awhile since I've posted so here goes: 108. AA! (really hoping for that dupe now!) 109. Mangog (duped) 110. Ironman 111. Hercules (this pull until Rulk are from AW/compensation) 112. Sersi! 113. Vulture…
Haha thanks. If it weren't for this post that you made, I would've quit the game after 20! I'm at a ~27% worthy champ rate (i.e., worth ranking up to r3), so I guess that's not bad.
Another big update: 94. Gambit 95. Nimrod! 96. Cable! 97. Guilly 98. Maw 99. Night Thrasher 100. Iron Man 101. Storm X 102. Rhino 103. Morningstar 104. Peni! 105. Antman 106. MODOK 107. Hawkeye
Very wise and insightful. I bet you are an invaluable asset to your ally.