
  • I could notice it on my first fight after the update. Just cant believe it passed their testing ridiculous ( Assuming they did any)
  • I already used up all my potions in 5.3.1 thinking my skills got worse or I am doing something wrong. With AW/AQ this bug seriously needs to be fixed ASAP.
  • I am having recover time issues with magiks L2, Hyperion L2, AA L2, GP L1 list goes on. I cant evade or block after special attack I just stand there unresponsive, AI recovers faster than me to do a combo game over. I am noticing this in act 5.31. Iphome 7 + IOS11
  • Problem is rank down ticks wont solve this whole logistical mess created with new aw system. Everyones roster will keep evolving, u Cant use same set of champs every time, you have to accommodate others in your ally based on their changing roster. Rankdown tickets will be just a temporary fix to calm down some of us
  • Man, that is messed up. Higher rating just shouldn't guarantee a win in AW. Imagine When diversity is changed to whole alliance , it would be even worse. AW would already be decided when match is found. We just wait for 2 days to find out the results.
  • Dont waste your time bud. His final reply is always " Well we have to agree to disagree".
  • There are so many statements that dont make sense. 1) "We're not going up against 4, 5, or 6 of the same Champs in AQ "-- Yes we are going up against same set of ~10 champs every AQ. Its repetitive and boring, why not add diversity there. 2) "There is more to the game than AW, and a Champ's usefulness is not limited to AW…
  • Problem with that is Diversity and defender kills cannot co-exist if they have equal weight. If you go for diversity no matter nodes you dont get too many kills with so many useless champs. If you go for defender kills , you loose on diversity. Adding defender kills + Buffing nodes will certainly get back skill in to wars,…
  • I dont understand this overuse argument, They are used for a simple reason coz they are really good in defense coupled with MD. They could have just fixed dexterity interacting with MD that would have solved complaints about mystic wars. I dont see anyone complain about overuse of offense champs DV SL AA !! If you really…
  • Just give us alliance wars where we want to use our top champs and show our skills. Most of us were working towards ranking up our 5* to be more competitive in AW. After AW 2.0 I dont feel like ranking up anymore, except LOL all other content can be cleared with our 4*.
  • Correct statement would be most people hate MD wars, but hey instead of fixing whats broken lets reduce complete AW to garbage
  • You are way off reality bud. Actually your first statement directly contradicts what kabam is doing. 1) Want to make slight correction to ur statement : " having the best champs should guarantee you have a much higher probability of winning a war" ----> Having best champs + SKILL should guarantee you a high probability of…
  • So he is basically saying just because he could buy the best gear possible he should win a all the trophies no matter what. War should be competitive and based on skill, just having stark spidey doc oc GG shouldn't guarantee u a win in war.
  • So wait wait... let me stop laughing before i respond. So are you seriously saying those who spent money or grinded for new champs should have advantage in war ?? what planet are you living in bud. They already got their advantage by getting new champs that they paid for or worked hard for. Rest of us have to be satisfied…
  • No matter what way you look at it defender diversity is a stupid concept. You cant force diversity when champs are not designed equal. When almost every ally can do 100% with useless champs on defense, wars are decided even before they start. It hugely favors ally who can buy newest champs or rare ones, or ally with higher…
  • From what I have seen from war screen that was posted on Reddit, thats the only thing I could find. We will be glad to know what you meant by this - "They actually did something that no one had done yet in war " ???
  • 1) RNG sucks for many and HB sucks too. So there are many champs in game that are useless in offense or defense. So instead of demanding kabam to buff these champs, you want to make AW garbage just to accommodate those crappy champs. 2) There is no "an equal work/reward ratio" under new setup. Almost every ally can 100%…
  • So instead of fixing MD you want change the whole AW setup to be garbage. And Why should we have to live with a crappy system.
  • Overpowered matches keep popping up coz of your increase in war rating. Tiers are divided based on you war rating. We used to be in tier 4-6 when we are 6mil ally a month ago. We are now 8.5 mil ally with war rating around ~1800. We oscillate btw teir2-3. What I am saying you cant expect to be in top tier if your ally is…
  • Diversity across whole alliance means 1 thing. Whoever can buy new champs will win AW by default. Doesnt matter even if its a 3*. We are going to see lots of 3* and 2* versions of new champs. We dont even have to call it wars anymore. Just give us Auto-Fight feature @"Kabam Miike"
  • Guys lets ignore this "NOWisdom". he just wants be here and argue against everything said. His ignorance and hypocrisy can be clearly seen in his statements "People can use whoever they want for Attack and it doesn't make a difference to the Map". So to be clearly he can use whoever he wants in attack but defense has to be…
  • On top of that force close doesnt reduce health anymore. You can just redo the fight with full health. Unlimited tries seriously. Even story regular event quest have penalty for force close
  • @"Kabam Miike" Have you guys even thought about this fix for a sec. Now a Unique champ is almost equal to 2.5 attacker kills. Way to make KK great again. Lol
  • You must not be playing this game long enough to understand diversity has ruined AW. If you want easy game mode to fight against useless champs. then plz play event quests/act4. Wars are supposed to be tough based on tier you are in. Most of us has issue with MD, instead of fixing it you want whole setup to change and make…
  • With this change kabam has officially made Aw the most boring/Unskilled mode in the game. Just give us Auto-Fight feature in war guys.
  • With this diversity **** even 6mil ally can win over 10mil. Just place all ur diverse champs even 3* or 2* . These are not wars anymore. Laziest and dumbest fix
  • You guys still haven't addressed major issues. Get back defender kills, remove diversity nonsense, and make better node buffs, map is too easy right now. With attacker points reduced and every ally can explore 100% wars will be decided by diverse (useless) champs.
  • Just because you have knowledge of a crappy system doesn't mean system isn't ****.
  • Yes, if there is a cap to each tier then this will have effect on everything like you said. I can be wrong, but as far as i know any ally can be in top tiers if they have good enough war rating.
  • Overpowered matches keep popping up coz of your increase in war rating. Tiers are divided based on you war rating. We used to be in tier 4-6 when we are 6mil ally a month ago. We are now 8.5 mil ally with war rating around ~1800. We oscillate btw teir2-3. What I am saying is you cant expect to be in top tier if your ally…