15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • kraioszerokraioszero Member Posts: 148
    So No Defender Points, But Defender Diversity Points. What Is That exactly?...

    How can you ask for each alliance member to bring 5 defenders that are different each to any others brought by any other alliance member?, and even not just into the group, but the entire alliance?

    Your characters diversity is not even that big for players to have 150 different characters in an alliance.

    Your characters diversity probabilities is not fair at all (I even had 3* quake 50 times)

    Most of the time the rooster we get from cristals is narrowed to the same group of characters with just a few exceptions once per every four months if so

    Characters are RANDOM, we can not select what we get, even when we get a special one (cybernetic for example) to open we are not completely sure what to expect, except for the calendar one, HOW DO YOU EXPECT for US to get Diversity?
    Players use the heroes the game gives them, not the ones they want.

    It is not fair for a player not to pick up a hero/villain just because there is another alliance member that already has it when even having the same hero/villain is not intended at all as already stated.

  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    The first three wars we played under this system weren't that bad or boring, we were tier 3 and moved up to tier 2, winning all 3 without doing much changing as far as defenders were concerned. We are trying to implement some diversity now, that's just strategy. I guess we were fortunate not to face any alliances taking advantage of the scoring system and fought against full defenses each war. None of them ended up as 100% clears for either team, and item use was minimal.

    We actually had a couple of exciting finishes. It didn't really seem like we were fighting any different champs than before, just that the nodes were easier. Still had 4/55 magiks, Dormammu, or Spidey as bosses and the usual minibosses as well.

    I don't mind the diversity, I just wish it was per bg instead of globally across the alliance. Maybe doing that would be a middle ground on this new format. It's still a chess game, alliances who were getting 100% before are still doing it now, those who weren't, aren't. The point system still has some kinks in it that need to be looked at, and maybe revert back to the old system where participation rewards were equal to victory rewards, so losing still gives out a decent amount of shards, and winning gives out double.

    It's just time to adjust to a new meta, and once the kinks are worked out I think it will be fine for everyone. I do think that anyone who lost due to the opponent manipulating the math should get full rewards and have points put back in their rating though, that was well predicted and kabam didn't listen and basically let people get screwed. That's plain ****.

    When wars are played as intended, with your strongest yet most diverse defenders used, it's refreshing. No more stress worrying someone gets kod on a node needed to unlink someone else, causing a cascade effect. The energy could be adjusted so it flows better and there isn't so much down time, and think about adding some rewards for skill, give bonus rewards for more defensive ko's or something without changing the original intent of making people feel penalized for reviving. With all the bugs there were lots of times the game would crash and cost you the war anyway.
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    So you're gonna change it so that we now need 150 different defenders across all BGs?
    Have you slipped on your own stupidity and fell down the stairs head first?
    There are not even 150 different champs in the entire game!
    I get a feeling this is going to be 12.0 all over again.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Can we get an official response from Kabam on the following:

    1. Top alliances manipulating War matching
    2. How any other alliance can beat any of the top 15 now with Diversity points?

    Max diversity is 150 currently you can't max diversity due to number of champs. Only 20 people have Thanos (mostly people in top 5) so if matched up against a top alliance their deaths don't matter so they can spend to complete.

    They have higher Defender rating because they've gotten most of the T4Cs in the game and spend the most, plus will have higher diversity rating.

    SO IF MATCHED UP AGAINST THEM THERE IS 0% CHANCE TO WIN. Thats a big fat ZERO. It cant be done. At least before with skill you could potentially upset them. Now since they don't play each other ever and only match with lower alliances they won't ever lose.


  • vikky89vikky89 Member Posts: 80
    No matter what way you look at it defender diversity is a stupid concept. You cant force diversity when champs are not designed equal. When almost every ally can do 100% with useless champs on defense, wars are decided even before they start. It hugely favors ally who can buy newest champs or rare ones, or ally with higher rating. 0 skill in AW. Why cant they just give us auto fight feature.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    What is going to be done from the Top 20 alliances manipulating war opponents? Seriously this is a huge issue, they constantly get to fight weaker opponents. How is this fair? How has nothing been done about this and Kabam doesn't even address it? Now with diversity you basically guaranteed their winning streak. The 100% every map, they also have 20 guys that most likely have every character in the game. You basically said Top teams can fight weaker people and get automatic wins from diversity. Can someone explain how this is fair? At least before you had a chance to beat them if you were skilled. Now you just lose and they never fight any alliance that is comparable to them. Not cool.

    Ummmm NO!!! These changes actually get rid of the need for alliances to avoid each other in war. The maps are easier/defender kills do not count and it becomes more a chess match for placing defenders. I already know for a fact some of the top alliances are more concerned with fitting in 3 wars per set then avoiding anyone even MMX. This new system has actually helped address the problem of which your referring to.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Can we get an official response from Kabam on the following:

    1. Top alliances manipulating War matching
    2. How any other alliance can beat any of the top 15 now with Diversity points?

    Max diversity is 150 currently you can't max diversity due to number of champs. Only 20 people have Thanos (mostly people in top 5) so if matched up against a top alliance their deaths don't matter so they can spend to complete.

    They have higher Defender rating because they've gotten most of the T4Cs in the game and spend the most, plus will have higher diversity rating.

    SO IF MATCHED UP AGAINST THEM THERE IS 0% CHANCE TO WIN. Thats a big fat ZERO. It cant be done. At least before with skill you could potentially upset them. Now since they don't play each other ever and only match with lower alliances they won't ever lose.



    So wait wait.......let me stop laughing before I respond. Those who spent the most money and worked harder gained more rewards and ranked up there champions with said rewards now have a clear advantage over those who did not. So what planet do you live on cause I live on earth and those who work harder gaining resources and spending money always have and always will have a distinct advantage over those who do not. If you don't like it go play a non competitive game like candy crush.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Grub wrote: »
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Can we get an official response from Kabam on the following:

    1. Top alliances manipulating War matching
    2. How any other alliance can beat any of the top 15 now with Diversity points?

    Max diversity is 150 currently you can't max diversity due to number of champs. Only 20 people have Thanos (mostly people in top 5) so if matched up against a top alliance their deaths don't matter so they can spend to complete.

    They have higher Defender rating because they've gotten most of the T4Cs in the game and spend the most, plus will have higher diversity rating.

    SO IF MATCHED UP AGAINST THEM THERE IS 0% CHANCE TO WIN. Thats a big fat ZERO. It cant be done. At least before with skill you could potentially upset them. Now since they don't play each other ever and only match with lower alliances they won't ever lose.



    So wait wait.......let me stop laughing before I respond. Those who spent the most money and worked harder gained more rewards and ranked up there champions with said rewards now have a clear advantage over those who did not. So what planet do you live on cause I live on earth and those who work harder gaining resources and spending money always have and always will have a distinct advantage over those who do not. If you don't like it go play a non competitive game like candy crush.

    So they should always win and not have to have any skill? I'm guessing you always got a trophy when playing sports then.

    The point is there is no way to win based off skill. I live on earth where a more skill hunter eats more. How is it competitive if you don't need skill to win?

    That was the sound of a mic dropping....
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    There is no chess match mate, all those alliances are walking through 100%, the chess match was old format when defender kills actually mattered
  • vikky89vikky89 Member Posts: 80
    Grub wrote: »
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Can we get an official response from Kabam on the following:

    1. Top alliances manipulating War matching
    2. How any other alliance can beat any of the top 15 now with Diversity points?

    Max diversity is 150 currently you can't max diversity due to number of champs. Only 20 people have Thanos (mostly people in top 5) so if matched up against a top alliance their deaths don't matter so they can spend to complete.

    They have higher Defender rating because they've gotten most of the T4Cs in the game and spend the most, plus will have higher diversity rating.

    SO IF MATCHED UP AGAINST THEM THERE IS 0% CHANCE TO WIN. Thats a big fat ZERO. It cant be done. At least before with skill you could potentially upset them. Now since they don't play each other ever and only match with lower alliances they won't ever lose.



    So wait wait.......let me stop laughing before I respond. Those who spent the most money and worked harder gained more rewards and ranked up there champions with said rewards now have a clear advantage over those who did not. So what planet do you live on cause I live on earth and those who work harder gaining resources and spending money always have and always will have a distinct advantage over those who do not. If you don't like it go play a non competitive game like candy crush.

    So wait wait... let me stop laughing before i respond. So are you seriously saying those who spent money or grinded for new champs should have advantage in war ?? what planet are you living in bud. They already got their advantage by getting new champs that they paid for or worked hard for. Rest of us have to be satisfied with what RNG gives us. Why do they even get to have advantage in war where it is supposed be skill based not cash based ?? And tell me again how is it competitive when AW hugely favors spending for new champs. Call it competitive when both of us get to face crawlers or mordos and see who can take them down without giving away kills.
  • vikky89vikky89 Member Posts: 80
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Grub wrote: »
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Can we get an official response from Kabam on the following:

    1. Top alliances manipulating War matching
    2. How any other alliance can beat any of the top 15 now with Diversity points?

    Max diversity is 150 currently you can't max diversity due to number of champs. Only 20 people have Thanos (mostly people in top 5) so if matched up against a top alliance their deaths don't matter so they can spend to complete.

    They have higher Defender rating because they've gotten most of the T4Cs in the game and spend the most, plus will have higher diversity rating.

    SO IF MATCHED UP AGAINST THEM THERE IS 0% CHANCE TO WIN. Thats a big fat ZERO. It cant be done. At least before with skill you could potentially upset them. Now since they don't play each other ever and only match with lower alliances they won't ever lose.



    So wait wait.......let me stop laughing before I respond. Those who spent the most money and worked harder gained more rewards and ranked up there champions with said rewards now have a clear advantage over those who did not. So what planet do you live on cause I live on earth and those who work harder gaining resources and spending money always have and always will have a distinct advantage over those who do not. If you don't like it go play a non competitive game like candy crush.

    So they should always win and not have to have any skill? I'm guessing you always got a trophy when playing sports then.

    The point is there is no way to win based off skill. I live on earth where a more skill hunter eats more. How is it competitive if you don't need skill to win?

    That was the sound of a mic dropping....

    So he is basically saying just because he could buy the best gear possible he should win a all the trophies no matter what. War should be competitive and based on skill, just having stark spidey doc oc GG shouldn't guarantee u a win in war.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    Actually having the best champs should guarantee you have a much higher probability of winning a war. Also apparently my opinion is the more accurate one cause Kabam seems to agree. Mic drop

    Also to the guy with his lame analogy about hunting. The more skilled hunter doesn't always eat more. The guy with automatic rifle always eats more then the primitive hunter with the spear. Welcome to reality and something called life.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Ooh, he dropped the mic!
  • TomieCzechTomieCzech Member Posts: 79
    I have a situation that may not have been brought up yet (can't be sure). With "diversity" being so important now, players at high levels will invariably rank up champs with no other in-game use purely to have a 3/45 spider Gwen or LC on defense. Players also change allies fairly regularly, so let's say Player A goes to a new ally where Player B has a 3/45 spider Gwen or LC that is a higher level. The champ is no good for defense anymore and the cats that Player A used to rank that champ have been wasted because one other person in the ally had the same motivation.

    Now you can say us ranking is our own choice and we shouldn't rank said champion, but wars will be decided purely on diversity/rating in higher tiers. Having a 3/45 LC (and a few others) vs having a 2/35 will be the difference in some wars between winning and losing.

    So any player wanting to play at tier 1 will need to rank oddball champs or his/her defense will be worthless to the ally. This also puts a premium on players with unavailable champs. You're asking us to throw away the catalysts that we grind for into bad defenders and disregard the ones we already wasted on good defenders in the name of "diversity". We NEED defender kills and attacker kills to be restored. Keep diversity, but have the game make sense again. Please?

    The rank doesn't matter, the nodes are too easy to beat. No more full immunity, not so many stun immune nodes, to be honest at high lvl war players play so well it doesn't matter whether the pi is 10k or 4k.

    The war is messed up, I don't think anyone there thought it trough.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Grub wrote: »
    Actually having the best champs should guarantee you have a much higher probability of winning a war. Also apparently my opinion is the more accurate one cause Kabam seems to agree. Mic drop

    Also to the guy with his lame analogy about hunting. The more skilled hunter doesn't always eat more. The guy with automatic rifle always eats more then the primitive hunter with the spear. Welcome to reality and something called life.

    You could drop the mic if it made sense but there is no probability. Its 100% win no matter what. Its bad enough they were too afraid to match each other lol. I'm guessing you are one of the ones hiding lol. It's okay not everyone can be skilled.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    @FPC3 been thinking abou it for a while. How does Kabam thinks this new AW system is a good idea? And why they don't listen to their player base fedback?

    AW is now dead. Boring.... plain and simple, not fun at all. After all, this is a game and should be designed for players to have FUN.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike

    On what planet does having a weaker defender provide any benefit in a contest where having the most effective defenders gives the greatest chances for victory?

    Seriously, please explain this.
  • PonyboyPonyboy Member Posts: 122
    We can eventually iron out the points fiasco

    Bigger issue is "correcting" diversity throughout alliance instead of each BG. Makes sense all arguments about each BG being contained and not fighting the other BGs.

    Save the diversity throughout alliance for Bases
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    I have a few champions I ranked SPECIFICALLY for Defense. I would have left them as 3/30 arena fodder otherwise. In this current War setup, they are now a WASTE of my resources. Good job, Kabam!
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    TomieCzech wrote: »
    I have a situation that may not have been brought up yet (can't be sure). With "diversity" being so important now, players at high levels will invariably rank up champs with no other in-game use purely to have a 3/45 spider Gwen or LC on defense. Players also change allies fairly regularly, so let's say Player A goes to a new ally where Player B has a 3/45 spider Gwen or LC that is a higher level. The champ is no good for defense anymore and the cats that Player A used to rank that champ have been wasted because one other person in the ally had the same motivation.

    Now you can say us ranking is our own choice and we shouldn't rank said champion, but wars will be decided purely on diversity/rating in higher tiers. Having a 3/45 LC (and a few others) vs having a 2/35 will be the difference in some wars between winning and losing.

    So any player wanting to play at tier 1 will need to rank oddball champs or his/her defense will be worthless to the ally. This also puts a premium on players with unavailable champs. You're asking us to throw away the catalysts that we grind for into bad defenders and disregard the ones we already wasted on good defenders in the name of "diversity". We NEED defender kills and attacker kills to be restored. Keep diversity, but have the game make sense again. Please?

    The rank doesn't matter, the nodes are too easy to beat. No more full immunity, not so many stun immune nodes, to be honest at high lvl war players play so well it doesn't matter whether the pi is 10k or 4k.

    The war is messed up, I don't think anyone there thought it trough.

    You missed my point. People won't rank the bad champs so they're better defenders, they will rank them because defensive rating really matters in the current setup. The allies that rank up Kamala and Fixit and IP will win more wars because of this. And I think it's dumb. Diversity only works if attacker and defender kills are still valuable. Something like:

    Attacker kill: 150 pts
    Defender kill: 100 pts
    Defender diversity: 50 pts
  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    You will now see alliances advertising like this

    Due to diversity we are seeking a player that has these champs for defense

    5/50 equivalent or greater
    Jane foster, Sim, She Hulk, magneto, hulkbuster.
  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 298 ★★
    another photo of a bs diversity win. thanks kabam
  • andrade5184andrade5184 Member Posts: 298 ★★
    its not bad enough that we get outmatched every war by 2-4 million higher rated alliances. now they get the edge on diversity as well as defender rating. way to make it near impossible for a decent rated ally with tons of skills to get the top rewards yet again.
This discussion has been closed.