Belfigor2 ★
Re: Anyone have any advice how to rank 3 a 6 star champ besides spending 🙃
just patience, never stress, let it take 12 months, 15 months etc... just let resources come bit by bit, dont stress the time (View Post)2 -
Re: Show Up Difficulty Feedback [Title Edited for Clarity]
kabam said less grind and then add the grindy sassy exploration and now this surfer grind...... kabam is that simple.....stay and be lied to, accept or quit :p (View Post)1 -
Re: Legend Title
dont bother, only 100 titles available, and it will be done by whales on thier 5000 dollar ipad mega pro with 0,1 nano second load times....if you are on android you dont even have to think about it … (View Post)2 -
Re: Who do you think is Spiderman's biggest arch nemesis and his worst villain
lol, Morlun would laugh at that.....his race even killed spiderman with the captain universe(God level) power (View Post)1 -
Re: Evades seem off or ai is lunging forward more than ever
you people on apple? well, then welcome to the world of Android the last 5-6 years :p it is kabam server lag, you see it as the AI stand on other side of map and then hit you with a heavy because you… (View Post)11