Cpt_Awesomeo55 ★
Re: Don’t send those extra revives too fast maybe by Sunday night that would be cool.
I was also confused. They said "asap". I thought I might have to submit a ticket. Maybe "as soon as possible" is tomorrow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (View Post)1 -
Re: Why nerf special power boosts?
I have never said it but this may actually be worthy of some level of comp or rank down. So many champs are really hurt by this interaction. Any champ with high/guaranteed crit rate, heavy prowess ch… (View Post)12 -
Will aw season be postponed again?
With the current issues, will or should the season be delayed again? (View Post)2 -
Re: AW wrong rewards
Our score is wrong as well. We should be plat 2 and got plat 3 (View Post)1 -
Re: Is it reasonable to decrease AW Match Win Bonus?
This scoring change definitely feels like a huge mistake. By reducing the points for a win, you are now making each fight more important. As each fight is more important, now each fight requires full… (View Post)4