Cpt_Awesomeo55 ★
Re: Another video by a trusted community member
I feel like the rewards buff will come soon. I'm much much more concerned about basic game fundamentals. Things like Medium intercepts issues, dexes not registering, medium whiffs, ai issues, etc. Th… (View Post)1 -
Re: Did you finish or are you on track to finish nightmare raids?
My bg finished. Doesn't look like the other ones will. Too many groups got hung up on korg (View Post)1 -
Re: Nobody likes 0-death war, but I feel the new map is overtuned.
It was on another post so these aren’t all my ideas. Blade with high power reduces the debuff time. Deathless king groot removes debuffs without cleanse or purify. I also think that power control cou… (View Post)2 -
War rating wasn't locked .......again
It's off season. FFS this really hurts for the start of next season. (View Post)2 -
Re: Ares specials
I’m having issues landing lights in the specials. Dexxing and parry are fine. But not a single light has worked for me. Anyone else having an issue with the timing? (View Post)4