Did you finish or are you on track to finish nightmare raids?

N8buckeye08N8buckeye08 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
edited March 21 in General Discussion
Don’t vote if you didn’t play

Did you finish or are you on track to finish nightmare raids? 144 votes

Finished… free revives only
Ultimate_RDJBigTuna_2054CondemnedToeTerraTeddersDr. CrabHungaryHippoMother_FlerkenDeaconMagicsolTheDarkSlayerBen_15455JounaaPeeSparty6Steam97Yodabolt21ElwindTx_Quack_Attack6589SirGamesBondMrSakuragi 32 votes
Finished… used units
the_furry_oneE8_LatticeFingerBangerSquidopusAayush19PikokToproller89 7 votes
On track to finish… free revives only
PaulomotacaptaincushSoSA__RemakeLPtheArtist_666LiquidkoldGrootman1294sxlbstverliebtKappa2gBlackshadow0203captain_rogersAlmccarthyNONYABIZZfuzzynifflerPenzitoPT_99BringPopcornKermít33Aidanstanleyyy 18 votes
On track to finish… will need to use units
GrimmbearDaniel930702TheHeroDeservedWolf911avengersunit24youaintrightTyphoonDarthMysticSmoky4ii20N8buckeye08KablammoMachoGamerheehee 13 votes
Probably won’t finish… free revives only
danielmathHeinz11Swe_wolfisDon7314buffajrKthunderyossMatthewmercuryBuffalaxTheBroookThecurlerchillwcausticGarloBulmktTyEdgeNewman0067GyanemdjerJMORG1111Monubean 56 votes
Probably won’t finish… spent units
EgyptOverseerStartimeKenjhi21Mqc19SandeepSSkunkcabbageArnavlaserjohn26GizzillaZ3phyrxCdjcdkjKablMaxtvScott_Summers82iDestroyerZEquintsacessentialThe_Curd_Bros 18 votes


  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,104 ★★★★
    Finished… free revives only
    Wasn't too bad in our alliance at least.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,818 ★★★★★
    On track to finish… free revives only
    The block dmg from Apoc is something else rofl.
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 654 ★★★
    Finished… free revives only
    One bg has finished it in ours. Another Bg on track. no one has used any units.
    We were lucky enough, that we all went into game, quite late, after some of the bugs had already surfaced, so we all could bring appropriate counters.
  • The_Curd_BrosThe_Curd_Bros Member Posts: 184
    Probably won’t finish… spent units
    The teams that brought purgatory will finish. Unfortunately we did not
  • Cpt_Awesomeo55Cpt_Awesomeo55 Member Posts: 116
    My bg finished. Doesn't look like the other ones will. Too many groups got hung up on korg
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 451 ★★★
    Probably won’t finish… spent units
    Rich the man posted a video about buying the AQ potion bundle in the store instead of spending 200 units on a L1 revive. Might help some people to buy that instead to finish the raid up.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,603 ★★★★★
    Finished… free revives only
    No purg in my BG. We finished.
    Only did because of the extra 7 revives.
    Korg and wx did ate up some of my team's revives.
  • SuperSam568SuperSam568 Member Posts: 92
    the 300 unit aq stash is like 8 revives. Plus heals.way more worth it.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,969 Guardian
    “Probably Won't Finish” jumps up from a combined 25% this afternoon, up to 50% now this evening ?
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,221 ★★★★★
    Probably won’t finish… free revives only
    I’m not spending units either.
  • PenzitoPenzito Member Posts: 118
    On track to finish… free revives only
    Only finished because some of us are overly dedicated and the additional 7 revives plus my old stash of 7 revives. I used Kushala preparing for korg and that stalwart node was horrible. Even If I could survive she never could properly cycle and hit the cap.

    What y'all gonna do when they pull purgs from the pool for the next raid? Missed the fact she bypasses the system.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,769 ★★★★★
    On track to finish… free revives only

    The block dmg from Apoc is something else rofl.

    He also place crush on you
    And also loves to walk up in your face and root you during his Specials 🤣
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,818 ★★★★★
    On track to finish… free revives only
    PT_99 said:

    He also place crush on you
    And also loves to walk up in your face and root you during his Specials 🤣
    Yeah lucky we had lots of Iron Man and those 7 extra revs helped 🤣
  • BigTuna_2054BigTuna_2054 Member Posts: 196 ★★★
    Finished… free revives only
    Only finished because of the 7 extra revives.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,769 ★★★★★
    On track to finish… free revives only

    Yeah lucky we had lots of Iron Man and those 7 extra revs helped 🤣
    I was also going with Ironman but at last moment someone uploaded Silk video in raids 😿

  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,416 ★★★★
    Finished… free revives only
    Got carried by iron mans and adams..
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,721 ★★★★
    Probably won’t finish… free revives only
    Middle path has beaten Jabari, Korg and Weps. We’re at the Apoc Boss.

    But our team mates tackling the left and right path still haven’t been able to take down the 2nd opponent on their respective path. So I doubt we’ll be able to beat Apoc

    Further the loot has been terrible

    4X T6 basic
    47,250 T4 Alpha
    10X that 5-7 star champ crystal. When I opened it I pulled 10x 💩 5-star champs

    Back to normal raids for me because nightmare just isn’t worth it
  • BogoBogo Member Posts: 159
    edited March 22
    Finished… free revives only
    I used medusa as tactician on path 3 and managed to put up 37 mil.
    For my ally it was the middle lane that struggled, the left and right path were fine.
    We completed it with 7 valiants, 2 paragons and a thronebreaker.
    It was a close one though, only managed it due to comp revs.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,650 ★★★★★
    Finished… free revives only
    3 Purgatory’s, each scored 75+ million. The other 7 combined for about 100M.

    Hopefully Kabam doesn’t remove her or change the prowess role charge
  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Probably won’t finish… free revives only

    3 Purgatory’s, each scored 75+ million. The other 7 combined for about 100M.

    Hopefully Kabam doesn’t remove her or change the prowess role charge

    Genuine question - what makes Purgatory great here, and does she need to be awakened for it? Have her 7* unranked and unduped
  • BogoBogo Member Posts: 159
    Finished… free revives only
    Xguard77 said:

    Genuine question - what makes Purgatory great here, and does she need to be awakened for it? Have her 7* unranked and unduped
    She does energy damage and paired w the prowess combo ender buff, she can do 12% in a single sp3.
  • E8_LatticeE8_Lattice Member Posts: 9
    Finished… used units
    Our bg finished but we all had to deplete our entire supply of AQ items. I spent 300 on the bundle just so we could do it. The bugs mixed with the TERRIBLE node choices on Apoc made this not fun at all. We're not doing it again unless major changes happen and I don't see anyone spending this amount of effort and tickets for the mediocre rewards. Plus I HATE how there's still rng involved. It's so unfair that I put in units and a huge score and got 7500 7* shards yet some of the guys with 5mil got 10k titan shards. That needs to be fixed. There should be no rng with the chests at all
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 884 ★★★★
    Probably won’t finish… free revives only
    Probably won’t finish.
    All 3 lanes at apoc but none of us will spend units on this garbage.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 870 ★★★★
    Finished… used units
    Squidopus said:

    Boss is defeated but I think my raid group won’t get full exploration. Right path is apparently having issues with Weapon X and the dodge prompt, which as I understand is a problem for many people.

    I suppose I can update and say my group used units to finish up exploration, despite my insistence that they didn’t have to bother since it wasn’t their fault that Kabam didn’t deliver a functioning raid experience. Much love to my alliance mates for sticking it out, but deciding if it’s worth resources to fight through untested buggy content shouldn’t have to be part of the decision making process.
  • PaulomotaPaulomota Member Posts: 24
    On track to finish… free revives only
    Too many BUGS!!! (They test the game or actually play the game?)
    Too many nodes....
    The IA.....it's the worst!
    The communication of Kabam..
    The compensation....
    The lack of empathy.
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