Cpt_Awesomeo55 ★
Re: Don’t send those extra revives too fast maybe by Sunday night that would be cool.
I was also confused. They said "asap". I thought I might have to submit a ticket. Maybe "as soon as possible" is tomorrow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (View Post)1 -
Re: Why nerf special power boosts?
I have never said it but this may actually be worthy of some level of comp or rank down. So many champs are really hurt by this interaction. Any champ with high/guaranteed crit rate, heavy prowess ch… (View Post)12 -
Same. I’m not even sure if I understand what I’m doing wrong. I dodge a rooted special and next time I can block it? (View Post)3 -
Re: Missing Items in Stash [Merged Threads]
I hope they can get this back, there is no way a blanket compensation can accurately get everyone. I was saving so much up for the featured today. I’m going to go by memory on my largest items that I… (View Post)6 -
Re: AQ not working
Guys in our alliance still can’t get in (View Post)2