Okaythen ★★★
Re: Jane Foster is an absolute monster against The Grandmaster - My favorite option for this guy so far!
This is the man Swedeah fears (View Post)4 -
Re: Meme Thread
He wouldn’t have to point if people made decent memes and stopped having convos in the meme thread the spam is justified Your memes seem to be hit or miss (View Post)24 -
Re: Electro best HulkBuster counter now and I love it!
Ghost converts them to furies passive Corvus heals and he is a tech avenger so he’s basically Corvus food plus you can armor break him and boost damage even more (View Post)3 -
Re: How do I get a 1 star champion after I sold them a long time ago.
What was the Point of posting your roster and masteries? (View Post)52 -
Re: How do I get a 1 star champion after I sold them a long time ago.
Well I don’t think you’ll get the ones you need with only 100 units 50 per crystal (View Post)10